Large Scale Central

Uh, oh

I’m sure this one has made the rounds before, but it deserves another trip. I don’t know who is responsible for it. If anyone does, let me know so we can give credit where credit is due.

Well, the sign is in English, so that eliminates just about every other country.
It might be “photo shopped.”


John Bouck said:
Well, the sign is in English, so that eliminates just about every other country. It might be "photo shopped."


Looks Aussie to me.

Hans-Joerg Mueller said:
John Bouck said:
Well, the sign is in English, so that eliminates just about every other country. It might be "photo shopped."


Looks Aussie to me.

New Zealand, maybe? Oz is remarkably deficient in places that look like this…


Terry A de C Foley said:
Hans-Joerg Mueller said:
John Bouck said:
Well, the sign is in English, so that eliminates just about every other country. It might be "photo shopped."


Looks Aussie to me.

New Zealand, maybe? Oz is remarkably deficient in places that look like this…


Thing that sprung to mind: Kuranda Railway.

Now I had to check :wink:

Yup, that’ll do it.


Hans-Joerg Mueller said:
John Bouck said:
Well, the sign is in English, so that eliminates just about every other country. It might be "photo shopped."


Looks Aussie to me.

Nah, our trains run upside down.

Yeah well Dave, it’s on the way to being just that … “upside down”. :wink:

Dave Healy said:
Nah, our trains run upside down.

You mean like this?


Remind me not to ride that one next time I’m down under!


it certainly looks like the Barron Gorge railway (Kuranda) up the back of Cairns, Queensland. They actually number the tunnels as you ascend to Kuranda. As a child (back in 1956), my family stopped at the Barron Falls lookout to view the spectacle (the train used to stop to give passengers a look at the falls). I decided to remain onboard the train. The steel trestle shown is close to the falls. The guard’s whistle blew and I was certain that this child was going to be travelling alone to Kuranda without his parents. Funny how things like that stick in one’s mind.

The sign has been photoshopped into the photo. The rest is most likely genuine.


Yep, the Kuranda line is quite a sight. Biggest challenge: the jostling to be on the “good side” for the trip to Cairns (from a video filming perspective).

Memories of Cairns? Oh yeah, hangs in the pantry; I got myself an apron on Green Island (Great Barrier Reef) that has the following quip on it: “I’d rather be on Green Island, Great Barrier Reef Australia, than BBQing for you bastards.” One has to be careful when one wants to wear that while BBQing, some people may not find it amusing at all, at all. :wink: :smiley: Always have to check first if the guests have “a life”.

an apron like that would not even raise an eyebrow in Australia. We would see it as simply funny with no other connotations. I suppose we are just a little different to the rest of the world. However, if someone took a swig from someone else’s beer bottle or can or kissed someone else’s sheila, then that is laying down a challenge for a brawl. One has to get their priorities right.

Yes Tim, there are cultural differences. You never can tell, best to play it safe just in case someone wouldn’t/couldn’t wait for “the” explanation.

Cheers from the GWN aka the Land of Roots :wink:


Steve Featherkile said:

Dave Healy said:
Nah, our trains run upside down.

You mean like this?


Chuckle! Now I can read the sign!

Ain’t Photoshop wonderful stuff! :smiley:

I thought that looked familiar. My parents have pictures from one of their vacations and rode that train. Well, fortunately not that particular train. :wink:


So, Paul, where is this located?