You’re working on your current project and adding a drop of cyanoacrylate (super glue or CA). All is going well, but you “just touched” the tip of the dispenser to your work. So, now I find that the tip has a greater tendancy to clog and will do so much quicker before being capped.
You move on with the project and go to add more CA. But now there is a bit of a clog at the tip. But with a bit more pressure (sometmes unintentional), this disolves and now you have a glop/pool of CA that just spit out on your work leaving a nice puddle. BION, this happens to me more often than I would like (like never).
So do you instanty try to clean it up and if so how??? Or maybe you just let it dry and try to shave it off afterwards???
I find that my fingers work best for instant removal of excess, but then…
A paper towel could be used, but leaves residue including bits of the towel.
So, what do you do???