Large Scale Central

U.P. Speeder

I was somewhat out of things to occupy my time, when I found this little speeder purchased about two years ago, and I had forgotten all about it. So over the last couple of days I converted it to battery/RC then I said let’s put some taillights on it, a roof mounted emergency light, and take out the dim front headlight and put in a super bright led. So I did and here tiz… Regal

Next saw some full size ones today on a website, may put two spotlights on left and right side too.

Where did you put the batteries ?

Ralph they are in the trailing car behind the speeder, I use it on my two rail cars the woody, and the waddlin gosslin, but I am thinking of a way to incorporate into a smaller trailer behind it or something. Regal Here is a picture of the trailing car it has a battery pack a charging jack module, and also QSI decoder all in the little bachmann Gandy Dancer trailing car I made last year. Looks small compared to it but it does pull it though.


A smaller trail car would be a good idea. Speeders usually pulled cars about their same size.
You can use a pretty small battery pack, and maybe an HO decoder to save space.

Zimo has sound decoders for HO that spec at 30 volts for input voltage and 1.2 amps motot(2 amps peak) and have programmable sounds, and a 3 watt output.
Light control and 4 function outputs for cabin and ditch lights (these are programmable).
Look at the site for the MX645 decoder. Non sound decoders are less money and can fit in the LGB 2001 (Gustav) barrel.
I use the MX645 with sound on my Stainz, and another on my Playmobil steam engine.

I know Ralph, but I am QSI/Gwire in that trail car it was only used to test if what I had done in the conversion worked!! I might look at an HO decoder down the road for it!! Just kind of use what I have at no additional cost at this time, due to circumstances beyond my control, eh??? Regal

I know how it is :wink:
I’ve got an Aristocraft 75Mhz HO decoder and transmitter. Send me an email. Maybe we can work out a trade or something.

email sent Ralph Thanks