Could you share with me your technique to load the photos?
(Even if you can’t spell my name, I’m happy to help. Skip to the next paragraph for the simple instructions for your photos.)
It’s really very simple. Posting a photo here requires that it be stored online somewhere, and therefor it has a URL (web address) that probably ends in .jpg (preferably not .bnp.) What you can’t do is post them directly from your computer - they have to be ‘uploaded’ first if that’s where they are.
This website has basic online storage - free- in the Freightsheds. Just click the link at the top of the page, and then click “Manage my folders”. You can create a folder - say “Photos-2019” and then upload your pics to the folder. [Note: use internet conventions for file names; try to avoid spaces and special characters. Use the hyphen or underscore symbol for spaces.]
Then bring up the picture you want on the screen in the Freightshed folder, and Right-Click on it. You’ll get a little menu that includes “Copy Image Location”. Click that - you now have the location of the image in your clipboard. Go back to your post in the thread and click the “insert/edit image” icon [sq box with sun and mountain] then put the cursor in the “Source” box and ‘paste’ the link (ctl-v is the quickest way to ‘paste’ from the clipboard.) Go down to the size and adjust it to about 800x600 (this website doesn’t approve of really big pics.) Hit OK and you are done.
In your case, the photos are in, which is hosting (storing) them for the seller. You may not know this, but if you click on a photo in an eBay listing, it will bring up a window with just the picture in it. Right-Click and you get this:
This image above was copied onto my computer (that’s another whole technicque involving "PrtSc,) and uploaded to my folder on this website. It’s URL (location) is [ http: // I added a space so the site doesn’t think it is a link.]
Click the “Copy Image Location” and then go back to your post. Paste the image location into the Source box on this post’s “insert Image” and it shows, like this: