Large Scale Central

Tunnel POrtal

Saw this on a forum that someone else had done. I had a piece of Precision Products portal that I cut out. Sprayed the ‘road and walls’ with a rattle can on a piece of board and cut a piece of ivory vinyl for the end opening. Used some chicken grit for the gravel road. Might cut a car in half to make it look like it goes into it, just for grins. Not sure what to do about the edges, if they need anything or not.

IMO cutting a car in half will look just like half a car is coming out of the portal. Unless you are able to paint in the other half with the correct perspective.

that’s one cool idea!

i agree, half a car would be difficult to be made optical fitting.

just a car outside, going in or coming out would be better (and easier)

How about 1/4 or so of the car and a mirror at an appropriate oblique angle inside the tunnel? I’ve never tried it but it might be worth a shot. Might be better if the mirror is not too reflective, i.e. dirty. (

Good ideas guy, coming out might be the best bet, for now! LOL


Cool Idea, I agree 1/2 car would give it the photo entrance with a 1/2 car stuck to the picture. I would put a car an inch or two in front of it, give it a few days of walking by looking

at it, and just seeing if it grows on you. It would be tricky taking or finding a 3D photo the right size that could be placed to look 3/4 back in tunnel.

A bob tailed van truck with the back end pushed up to the picture squarely would look good to. I think it needs to be a van bed.

Good luck


Dittoing others, and neat idea Jerry! I was gonna suggest the mirror as well, but like Korm said, a full car. You’d see the rear end of it in the mirror, but WTH.

I’ve seen it work on an indoor layout, but with a double-ended car, so you see the front of a “different” car in the mirror. GR somewhere?

Shadows from a deeper portal might help with the gag. An overpass bridge might be a variant on the theme… did I see that in the same GR article?

Anyway, acrylic mirror might be safer in the outdoors, and you can get packs of them in case you want to replace it every few years.



Don’t know whether this would work, but decided to suggest it. Perhaps you could take a photo of the entire car. Then manipulate the image in Photoshop to achieve the perspective you want. Mask off the visible part of the car and paint the rest flat black. Then glue the Photoshop image to the blackened portion. You would probably have to play with things a bit, but it does seem doable.

Just my 2 pennies, David Meashey

Pretty neat idea!

But all I can think of is:


However you tackle it, this project is “spot on!” If you want to lean further into the gag, what about borrowing from Jim, above, and paint / glue Wile E. Coyote to the “entrance?”


Jim Rowson said:

Pretty neat idea!

But all I can think of is:

That’s the same thing that came into my mind when I saw that portal…(

You gotta do the full clip first !

I did order a ‘splat’ decal if the car idea does not work out.