Large Scale Central

Tunnel portal test

Testing my new iPhone 12 Max Pro with an indoor video of the new tunnel on the MVRR.

The close ups are a little blurry, but I was only 3" away from the train in some spots.

Most of the rolling stock on these trains are scratch, and the Shays are customized Bachmann.

John Bouck said:

Testing my new iPhone 12 Max Pro with an indoor video of the new tunnel on the MVRR.

The close ups are a little blurry, but I was only 3" away from the train in some spots.

Most of the rolling stock on these trains are scratch, and the Shays are customized Bachmann.

Great work as usual!

Could you please set up that iphone12 MAX Pro as a live video feed so I can sit here and watch it while awaiting an Amtrak train coming out of it?

No problemo! If I knew someone who unfortunately has an Amtrak train.(

I could set up a pre-amtrak if you would like.

7/8 Class A climax exiting the portal. Tight clearance but she made it.

An inch is a mile.