Large Scale Central

🗳️ Truth, Justice and the American Way

I want to offer congratulations to our LargeScale Centralian American friends on the eve of completing a most epic run!

Surprisingly, the US presidential race has become must watch television down-under, and has been the topic of many discussions around the table, at the pub and in the news.

  • The coverage here has been so intense that anyone watching Aussie TV now knows more about the Electoral College and the concept of swing states than we would ever want to admit.
  • Most of us can’t even explain how our very own “preference balloting system” works here.

However the one thing we’ve been amazed to find out, is how much time you invest in the election process, and yet voting is optional, compared to here.

Over the past 721 days—103 weeks or nearly 2 whole years—you’ve weathered numerous debates, rallies, ads, and endless political rhetoric to get to tomorrow’s vote.

Whatever the outcome, your endurance over the past 24 months and your commitment to a well informed democracy is truly a remarkable effort.

So enjoy the day and remember… electile dysfunction is treatable!
“Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.” -attributed to Mark Twain


now you outed yourself as a new-bee.

there exist some themes, that we just ignore in this forum.

as far as i know, two most evaded themes are adult-diapers and politics. :zipper_mouth_face:


I don’t know about every body here but I am tired of it. I do vote.


to do that, or not to vote - is your right, and your selection.
the whole point is, that there exist train-nuts of different political beliefs.
known is, that political themes tend to polarize.

here we got enough polarization already, quarreling about analogue DC versus DCC, or battery - or other important creeds.

would you write about race-cars on a coin-collector forum?

just my two centavos…