Large Scale Central

Troubles on the ROW

I like small critters as long as they don’t mess up the RR!

It’s getting like a TV show around here. I’m trying to build and instead I’m watching wildlife. Some big hawk or falcon just swooped over and I ran to protect these guys. I hope they remember this when they get older and leave my RR alone!!

Joe, I can relate, Chipmunks and rabbits in the northeast are a pain :(. But gotta love em

I used to have a few chipmunks and an over-abundance of gray squirrels. That was before neighbors across the street and next door brought in outdoor cats - 5 between the two of them. I haven’t seen a chipmunk in several years and the squirrels don’t come around often. I miss the chipmunks, but not the squirrels.

Perhaps a bowl of …aahh never mind

Jon,Ihavent seen any gray squirrels in about three years in my area. Have plenty of small red squirrels. And boy are they quick.

I had a red squirrel in my back yard. Right up until the neighbors cat took it out. Now I have black squirrels.

Chester Louis SA #64 Hampshire County Narrow Gauge

Ron Tremblay said:

Jon,Ihavent seen any gray squirrels in about three years in my area. Have plenty of small red squirrels.

Because the red’s take out the grays population

Once had a huge apple tree in the back yard and one summer, the evening’s entertainment was the red squirrel that would come to annoy the old cat. It would come part way down the tree and CHATTER CHATTER CHATTER to get the cat’s attention. Then, when the cat was watching, scamper around the other side of the tree and CHATTER CHATTER CHATTER. The cat, of course, would walk around to the other side of the tree and spy the squirrel. The squirrel would then run back around to the other side of the tree and CHATTER CHATTER CHATTER.

After a few minutes of pestering that cat, it would run around to the other side of the tree, then up the tree, along the long branch onto the roof, over the house and into the maple in front then down the street, leaving the cat searching and searching for that squirrel. He’d be back the next evening.

We have four or five or six outdoor friendly feral porch cats in our neighborhood, only ever seen one mouse, or more correctly 1/2 mouse, brought as a present and left on our front stoop by one of the porch cats. Only ever seen one rat, but that one was killed by the dog.

Other than that the biggest wildlife in our backyard is birds, mockingbirds, crows, woodpecker, blue-jays, and lots of hummingbirds.

We saw a mama moose and her two babies grazing in our back yard, yesterday. We were content to just watch. Mama moose looked mean.

Steve Featherkile said:

We saw a mama moose and her two babies …

You win!!! Wow. Hope they don’t eat the RR.

Didn’t know this was a contest… :slight_smile:

It wasn’t. I’ve got a cute little baby bunny and two chipmunks. One is a baby.

Now a MOOSE!!! I’m not even in the running…

I have moles. The squirrels and chipmunks hang out in the front yard around the hickory tree. I hate moles. I have blackbirds too. The ones with the horrid squawk. They have the inate ability to drown in my pond. Oh, and a black bear. I think it’s after the grubs and black rasberries that grow wild on the property line. The bear is fun to watch. It drinks from the pond then rolls around in the grass and suns itself for a bit. It must eat well because it doesn’t get in the trash. I hate moles.


Terry Burr said:

I have moles. …The bear is fun to watch.

Sheesh! now a bear! What was I thinking? I thought most RRs have some small varmits runnin’ 'round. If I had a moose or a bear, I’m not sure I’d have an outdoor RR! You guys don’t need TV!! It’s more like wildlife live!

There’s a road sign near my house that reads:

End Of Known World 2 Miles

Abandon Hope, All Ye Who Enter

To say that I live in the sticks is an understatement.