Here is the picture of the break:
You can see that the post holding the truck to the frame snapped as did the truck itself.
It would seem that I could try Pete’s (@PeterT ) and Bill’s (@Hines ) suggestion, using a solvent style glue and a bit of a U-channel to brace it. Then I should be able to tap a hold into the step and drive a screw through the lot. There would be nothing hurt in trying.
Fred (@freddy ) thanks for the kind offer of replacement parts. I will write you separately. They would be welcomed.
As for drilling into the frame to mount a new style truck, I am wondering if the plastic will handle it. The stems that take the screws holding the bottom of the chassis to the upper part of the chassis gave way, too, and we are going to have to get long screws to hold this contraption together. One part we are going to see if we can “fix” with a zip tie held in place with CA, reinforcing the steam and allowing the screw to bite. The cause of the break is unknow, but could be 1.) we overtightened it, 2.) we used screws from a different derelict that were slightly larger, 3.) the plastic was old and brittle and could no longer handle the stress of holding together a working loco’, or 4.) Act of Dog. One more thing to puzzle out as we proceed.