We puttered with Emmett a bit. We could not free the plunger to check the spring, and our inspection of the housing showed no easy way to get at it from the backside.
We have discussed affixing some sort of extension to the stuck plunger, but we think a chassis swap is in the future.
Question: Has anyone tried soldering some sort of wiper to the brush, allowing the wiper to contact the wheel regardless of where the brush is?
We are finding the plastic “plugs” holding the rods in place are brittle , and we’ve broken two of the “caps” trying to remove them.
Question: Are there alternative ways to mount the rods to the drivers?
Kid-zilla has selected the first of two derelicts to serve as a parts loco for Emmett and the basis for a new bash, using the boiler, smokebox, and cab. He detailed his plans below.
He is already busy removing vertigres from the metal bits.
We will fit the reborn loco to a modern B’mann chassis. This derelict, which is in worse overall conditions, will be where we figure out what cuts need to be made, if any, and how to rig the wiring. IN effect, it is our “practice project.”
Question: Kid-zilla did ask if anyone know how best to fashion a steam dome. We are both hoping to find a small pill bottle or something similar we can cut, sand, and shape.
I am really enjoying watching him take the helm on this project. I am really just there to help with the fiddly bits and to ensure safety. I am enjoying watching him puzzle through solutions as we learn how best to keep these vintage B’mann beasts on the rails and turn junk into unique Triple O pieces.
Updates as progress merits!
Eric & Kid-zilla