Large Scale Central

Trestle Crossing Video

Don’t watch this if you are bothered by heights. If you do watch it, listen for the trestle creaking about 35 seconds into the video. I shot this on 9/30 on the C&TSRR.


Here is another clip crossing the same trestle – but heading east toward Osier.


Looks like fun!


Thats Cascade Trestle. To show you how high up you really are:

it’s a little over a mile west of Osier. Thats D&RGW 315 up on top.

YIKES! That is a long way down. I could do without the creaking.
That must have been a nice rail trip.

Dave Taylor said:

Thats Cascade Trestle. To show you how high up you really are:

it’s a little over a mile west of Osier.

I was kinda wondering where exactly that was. It’s been a looooong while since I’ve been out there…:wink:

Very nicely done. Love the RR drama out West. Gonna have to visit some time.

Doc Tom

Very spectacular .

The upright supports remind me of Radio Masts ; I don’t recall seeing the taper down to the base used elsewhere except on Radio Masts where the whole thing rests on a large steel ball bearing , hence the taper . This allows a bit of flexibility in windy conditions .

Was there a special reason for this design ? It does allow quite a bit of movement in earthquakes , but I can’t think of any other reason.

I would really like to cross that on the same train . Great .


Mike Morgan said:

Very spectacular .

The upright supports remind me of Radio Masts ; I don’t recall seeing the taper down to the base used elsewhere except on Radio Masts where the whole thing rests on a large steel ball bearing , hence the taper . This allows a bit of flexibility in windy conditions .

Was there a special reason for this design ? It does allow quite a bit of movement in earthquakes , but I can’t think of any other reason.

I would really like to cross that on the same train . Great .


Because when a design has been proven, and the engineers can’t think of a better one, you go with the proven design. Its been done that way since Cheops’ time.

Look Steve , I was around when Pontius was a pilot , so I know that .

What I meant was why there ?


'Cause they couldn’t think of a reason why not?

'Cause it was their Senior Project?

'Cause the Boss said so?

'Cause it was the cheapest?

That last was probably closest to the truth.

Actually , it’s unusual enough to have been some odd project that was dropped by the military and sold cheeeeep .

And probably all of the reasons you give above .

Mike ; not a builder of bridges

If I was riding a train over that trestle I would have aged about a year when I heard that creak!