And an update on the RR.
I’m a bit behind on this year’s bad track replacement, but this and next weekend I’m going to do as much needed maintenance I can and replace the obviously bad track and switches. The big garden project, replacing the step-over in the middle of the garden, is well under way and I should have it finished this weekend.
On the JMRI side of things, I had to reset the sidings at Pearce. Last year, some of you might remember, no trains switched Pearce because of some issue with siding lengths, and the way JMRI decide how to pick up and set out cars. So I manually removed all cars from Pearce, and then generated a few switch lists to get things moving again. I like JMRI, but there are some really stupid issues with odd train builds, and sidings becoming ‘stuck’ like Pearce did. Some form of car cards are looking better and better…