Large Scale Central

TrainOps 2012

Figured I should get this out early. TrainOps 2012 approaching. This year its Sept 14-16th. 14th will be run-what-you-brung . Saturday is operations, and Sunday, as last year, we have been invited for operations on Stan Ames’ amazing SJR&P. Mark your calendars and start planning!

Consider it marked!!

Boy, wish you guys lived closer to the West coast. September is out for me anyway, I’m having knee replacement surgery on my right knee, but I’ll be thinking about you guys having fun.

Hey Bob are you going to have that “Live” feed thing hooked up again? At least I could watch the fun while I’m recouping.


Hopeful that we can make it again this year. It’s on my short list :slight_smile:

Looks like there may be a sizable Canadian contingent attending, or at least attempting to.


Reservations made. We’ll show up sometime Friday.

Wow. Just a bit over 3 weeks to go for this great event. Any other attendees?

The usual gang, plus Doug Matheson, maybe Gaetan and a couple others from .ca. Plus maybe half a dozen from around here. Given the 25% rate of the “I might show up”, maybe another handful?

Chuck Inlow said:
Boy, wish you guys lived closer to the West coast. September is out for me anyway, [b]I'm having knee replacement surgery on my right knee, [/b]but I'll be thinking about you guys having fun.

Hey Bob are you going to have that “Live” feed thing hooked up again? At least I could watch the fun while I’m recouping.


Gee, Chuck. We is all fallin’ apart. Who is next after you?

Bob, how do you run your TrainOps Meet? Since TrainOps is designed for 1 - 3 operators, max, how do you accommodate the throngs that appear?

Still on my list. Everything else has fallen off :frowning: Our dog is not doing very well, don’t think I want to travel with her any more. I might come up alone, but Marilyn really wants to come too. Not sure how this is going to work out.

I’ll be joining Doug and Gaetan on this trip. I will probably bring a small switcher (USA Trains S-4).


It has gauge 1 kadee couplers. Would these be suitable for both railways?

Steve Featherkile said:
Bob, how do you run your TrainOps Meet? Since TrainOps is designed for 1 - 3 operators, max, how do you accommodate the throngs that appear?
Two man crews, two trains in each direction.

Haven’t had ‘throngs’ appear yet. Besides, even at the Invasion, a third of the people were just hanging out!

Paul Norton said:
I'll be joining Doug and Gaetan on this trip.

I will probably bring a small switcher (USA Trains S-4).

It has gauge 1 kadee couplers. Would these be suitable for both railways?

Should work. Ken’s couplers were the most problematic, and even he could run his locos. that’s what paperclips are for!

Bob McCown said:
Paul Norton said:
I'll be joining Doug and Gaetan on this trip.

I will probably bring a small switcher (USA Trains S-4).

It has gauge 1 kadee couplers. Would these be suitable for both railways?

Should work. Ken’s couplers were the most problematic, and even he could run his locos. that’s what paperclips are for!

True, but shoving moves with paperclip couplers are a bit tricky. Keep that re-railer handy :slight_smile:

I don’t know what height Ken’s couplers were set at, but they were a bit low compared to the Accucrafts on Bob’s / Bruces and my stuff.

Hi Bob I will be coming on Saturday. I will also bring my Alco s-4. Will Kadee 831’s be a problem? ( paper clips?) I will also be bringing a car that needs to get to Fred.

Jon sorry to hear about your dog. I lost mine a while back.:frowning:

Doug and I will be bringing the cash from Fred for the car and will pick the car up for delivery to him.

@Todd - Thanks. She is hanging in there, but deaf and nearly blind. She used to love going in the car and on the boat, but we had to drag her last time, so no more. We are putting off the inevitable for purely selfish reasons.

@Paul - I hope Fred’s car takes a more direct route than the J&B Caboose delivered to me a fey years back at Fred’s, then left there in error :slight_smile: I finally got it, but it traveled many a mile to get to me!

Jon Radder said:
Bob McCown said:
Paul Norton said:
I'll be joining Doug and Gaetan on this trip.

I will probably bring a small switcher (USA Trains S-4).

It has gauge 1 kadee couplers. Would these be suitable for both railways?

Should work. Ken’s couplers were the most problematic, and even he could run his locos. that’s what paperclips are for!

True, but shoving moves with paperclip couplers are a bit tricky. Keep that re-railer handy :slight_smile:

I don’t know what height Ken’s couplers were set at, but they were a bit low compared to the Accucrafts on Bob’s / Bruces and my stuff.

Mine are set at the Kadee height, but I’ve also gotten larger couplers installed on the engines, so we’ll see how that works. (and I still have the paper clips from last year…;))

It might be possible to raise the engines coupler’s a bit so they line up better with the Accucraft, but I’m just guessing with that.

Sunday TrainOps Schedule

On Sunday September 16, we will be hosting Trainops with an operating session on the SJR&P. The ops session will be from 10-2 with the layout open at 9AM. A pot luck hamberger/hotdog barbaque lunch will also be part of the venue.

DCC, Live steam (insulated wheels), or RC guest locomotives welcome. The rolling stock is all 1:20.3 using Kadee G couplers mounted at Kadee height.
