Large Scale Central

TrainOps 2011

A reminder that TrainOps 2011 is coming up. Sept 16-18, 2011. Last year was so much fun, we decided it was worth doing every year.

We’ll even provide lunch Saturday (sandwich fare) and dinner Friday and Saturday (BBQ) . $10/day/person for food donation appreciated.

Sounds like fun. I’ll come up if you promise to bolt down the End-of-Track bumpers :smiley:


I’ll drive a tent stake into the rocks there just for you!

I weren’t the engine driver. That would be Ken. He has a reputation of being hard on equipment…


Cool. I’m hoping we can make it. Jean has some eye surgery on Monday and it’s LONG recovery process. Should be good to go.

Hope everything goes ok with Jean, and you guys can make it.

I should have 8 hoppers in rotation, and 3 tank cars. That should add some more variety to the trains. And if I get things done in time, I might have a passing siding and spur in that area between the two loops.

I would love to make it, but can’t… I need to get to mass, to get my seafood fix… But, that probably won’t happen until just after the York trip…

As always, school’s in session. Can somebody please do an ops session between mid-may and late August, and sometime in early January? :wink:

I might come, too, if Jon leaves his freakin camera at home…:wink:

Ken Brunt said:
I might come, too, if Jon leaves his freakin camera at home…:wink:


That picture of you without a lid is rarer than a blue caboose since Conrail deceased …


Ken Brunt said:
I might come, too, if Jon leaves his freakin camera at home…:wink:

But you make such an interesting subject :smiley:


I’m gonna have to keep this one handy…:wink:


Ken Brunt said:
I’m gonna have to keep this one handy…:wink:


Center and crop the image. Blow it up and put it on the Dart board :smiley: Ralph

Learned long time ago - if you though darts at this group - you get big rocks thrown back.

Yup. Now where is that CD I have from the run at Roosters, there has to be at least one like that of him :o

Jon Radder said:
Yup. Now where is that CD I have from the run at Roosters, there has to be at least one like that of him :o
Wishful thinking ;) Ralph

Ken Brunt said:
I’m gonna have to keep this one handy…:wink:


Ken, Best part of that picture is when Jon heard the shutter go off he said"OH DAMN" and stood straight up!!! This is the truth!!..:slight_smile:

Bet you forgot about this one…



Jon, have you ever been in Kentucky? Brings to mind a popular Bluegrass song…:wink:

Bob - I apologize that your thread ha sunk so low. Why don’t you re-name this one “immature butt pictures” and start a new one for Train-Ops 2011 :slight_smile: