Large Scale Central

Train Days> Aspen Crossing > Mossleigh, Ab

June 17-18th !!

An hour S.E. of my YYC location {less than 5 hrs west of Swift Current :wink: }

I’ll likely be there one day (Saturday ?) even though I’m (no longer) a member of the regional G-gauge club, but I like tah visit and help out the club enlightening the masses regards our hobby, also for the location/nice country drive out of the city, also friendly business staff, the owner of AspenCrossing is also a member of the regional club.

When I first roll into the village from the west, I tend to drive past the location to a east side field entry past the village and pop out to take some pics of the 3 gently aging retired P&H grain elevators. Aspen Crossing owns one and is assisting the village in restoring a second. Not sure who owns the third. Siding at the elevators is also where AspenCrossing stores some of their acquired rolling stock. The branch line is former - CP .


doug c

I wanted to go to this, but found out about it too late to get the time off work.


It’s a long way to come for a smaller event, but if you have the time and even a camper (trains and camping out) ! At least one club member family unit usually ‘camps’ there for the weekend.

Aspen’ also have a couple (possibly a third now) refurbished caboose, planted in the campground to rent out if ya plan/budget far enough ahead to get a booking !

Jason and his crew do not let this railway-flavoured business go stagnant.

I always notice something new/improved, or hear about it (if not already informed) this weekend !


No camping for this guy!

I had a plan, if it could have worked out, to visit friends in Taber for the weekend then head there for a day. Would have been quite a bit to try and do in a day trip. Maybe next year if I know the date soon enough to get the weekend off.


Father day weekend every year.


Yes, 9 hrs. road trip is a long haul for a small event.

Everyone who made it to Aspen’ yesterday, looked to have a great time. One of the primary staffers mentioned that day two (actual FathersDay) typically tends to have 3 times the numbers. He suggests to people he knows (who mention the occ. line-up) to come on Saturday, but they seem to be hard-wired to celebrate FathersDay with TrainDays at Aspen’ … on Sunday :slight_smile:

Also we had a perfect weather day Saturday !

doug c

p.s. Dave missed seeing/chatting with ya, been a couple (?) yrs. . :slight_smile: