Large Scale Central

Track Survey: Resale with painted ties?

Having donated considerable amounts of used LGB track, the response was “It won’t sell because the ties and rail sides have been sprayed with Rustoleum’s Rusty Brown plastic compatible spray.”

The track is in A-1 condition. I have sprayed all the track on our layout using the same product and gotten accolades for the looks on the layout.

The track is a mix of 1600, 1500, curves and assorted length of straights to 4’ length. The switches are 1600s motorized.

Considering the condition is excellent, does the coloration of the ties and rail sides mean a No Sale or a very limited effort in pricing. The concern is “We’d be lucky to get any money for it at the train swap meet.”

Your opinion?


Sounds like “sour grapes” to me. The real issue is the cndition of the ties.When our club sells excess/surplus track, it only gets half the price (or less) if the ties are rotted away!

I bought a great deal of code 250 AL rail which had been painted by a former owner. It works fine for me, and I use track power. Just keep the top of rail clean.

In any event, when your track is buried in ballast and mud, no one notices at all.

Nothing like looking a gift horse in the mouth. Sounds like they are being picky.
Any train guy looking to get into large scaleor to expand usually has second thoughts when he sees the price of track.
Roughly 90% of my RR is preowned and when I was building it I scrounged track from anywhere I could get it. Most of my track has euro tie spacing but some is american and some has been painted but guess what I don’t care because I got a good deal on it and it works.
Track is track and it always has value even if the ties are rough.

Todd Haskins said:

Nothing like looking a gift horse in the mouth. Sounds like they are being picky.

Track is track and it always has value even if the ties are rough.

My thoughts exactly. When I buy used track, its “Is it code 250, and can I use it?” not “what does it look like?” Track costs a small fortune. Getting some at less-than-retail is always a bargain. And track price sure isnt going to go down.

People using LGB track can be very picky. Most of the people on the forum have long term experience or have read the long term experience and agree it’s the condition of the ties, i.e. is the plastic in good shape?

But remember that some people keep every box and packing for everything they own, and LGB does have it’s own cadre of “collectors”.

So, if the question is: “will I get less (or no bid) trying to sell painted track”, yeah, I think that will happen… you just need to look “further” for the right buyer.

Regards, Greg

Hey, my attic is full of boxes. :wink:

Yes, I am afraid that many folks would balk at track that is already painted. But many would not. Those of us who paint track anyway wouldn’t care. Greg is right, you just need to find the right buyer.

Well, I think I can help.
I was washing my fence with a pressure washer and decided to point it at the siding track sitting on concrete. There were leaves and dirt trapped underneath it. The second I swept the pressure washer across the rails, the paint blew off the ties.
So maybe a quick blast will get you full price!

Sounds like the classic trick of telling you it wont sell just so you sell it cheap and that same person will then buy it from you. Just my thought…

Since I have no track and want almost 200 feet of it I would buy it at the right price for sure. Then when it comes time to lay it I could paint all the track the same color.

i guess I am saying that someone buying track at an auction is looking for a deal because they probably lack funds and need alot of track and will be willing to get what they can.

At least thats my thought.

Around 98% of my 2 loops (indoor and outdoor) are all second hand LGB track. I only got picky for my indoor loop and held out till I found nice clean track that was also used indoors only. I paid roughly 4.50 a section for the clean track I use indoors and 3.00 to 4.00 a section for the weathered stuff outdoors. Both of my layouts are 1000 and 1100 series sectional track. Some of it was boxed, some of it was not, didnt really matter to me personaly. For those that can attend the huge show at the Dupage, Co fairground in Chicago, it was a boon for clean, affordable track. Another good source is Zionsville Train Depot, but it depends if the collections he has in for sale came with any track. I believe he has some 2 foot length straights and some various curved in right now for those looking. Happy hunting. Mike

I have a mixture of LGB, Aristocraft, AML and Delton Steel Rail and all of it was purchased 2rd hand and some of it have very bad ties, but hey, you can always replace ties. In fact I got a large number of used tie strips from a member here and some where un-usable as the plastic spikes had been broken off, but there were enough tie strips to repair what I needed to and with a lot left over. As for as the rails being painted, all the more better, would save me from having to weather the rail myself.

So I have to agree with the others, I think the gentleman made the statement so he could get the track for nothing or very little money. Rail can be cleaned and ties can be replaced… The real value is in the Brass rail itself.

I say look for someone really interested in the track and knows its real value weather it is painted or not.

Dan S.