Large Scale Central

Track jig

I have a bunch of code 250 rail, both aluminum and brass. I had hand-laid a bunch of it several years ago, but it didnt weather too well up here. I bought some AMS tie strips, but the thought of fighting with each tie strip as I slide the rail in was giving me nightmares. Rodney suggested a jig. Here’s the end result.

Accepts 4 AMS tie strips at their default spacing. Takes me just about 5 minutes to make a 6-foot section of track.

You can also do what I do. Lay a bunch of tie strips upside down and then lay another set right side up over top of those, so they inlay like they come in the box. I’ll spray the rail ends with silicone lube to help them slide on easier…:wink:

Great idea Bob, I just got a bunch of code 332 aluminum rail from Switch Crafters and I have a bunch of Aristo Craft tie stips and this will make it alot easier to put them together.

Bob: Nice work. I recently purchase some 332 aluminum rail from Switchcrafters as well and currently hand laying it on Ceder ties to go long with my Steel rail. I have thought about the tie strips, but havent purchased any yet as I didn’t know how difficult they would be to put the rail into. Looks like I might have to try it.

I have a question though. The three cars your are building in the photo, can you give me some information on them and what they are made out of?

Dan S.

Dan: Those are some of my EBT steel boxcars:

There are few threads about them in the forums here. Search for “EBT” and my name…