Large Scale Central

Track expansion and expanding tracks

I have run into a glitch with part of my layout. The very hot sun is cooking one specific area of the layout, so hot, you can’t even touch the track. The rest of the track is in the shade. I am having expansion issues and have started installing the expandable track sections, but it is a pain to do so, as I have to remove ballast, cut track and re-install the ballast. Takes about an hours just to install one piece. My layout floats, and I am just wondering about the best way to install these expandable tracks. I have been keeping them on the straights, and, according to the information provided, have been putting them in during the hottest part of the day with only a slight gap in the track. While this seems to be working where I have done it, I was wondering what might happen if we get higher temps than the 102 degrees we’re getting. Are there any suggestions out there for installing these. Presently I am using the Hillmans track, but may run out of it, so I am considering the Split Jays products also.
Thank you.

Noel Talk about HOT !!! A lot of the fellows here use Split Jaws or Hillmans and do not tighten the screw on one of each clamp. Three foot lenghts of track are a pain for sure. Better off with one footers. Also some just float the track to avoid kinking the rail. Even still, most have to adjust the clamps twice a year do to the extreme temps here in Lost Wages. You would need quite a few of those expanding rail pieces maybe to do the job but then the cost !

Cheers, TOF

Thank you. I don’t feel to bad now, although the thermometer now says 111 degrees (don’t think it matters much after 100 degrees). Built a temporary awning to shied the stuff from the sun, and it seems to be working, but, time will tell.


The tracks here are too hot to touch but we haven’t hit 100 yet this season. I did a track inspection today and no problems yet. Is there possiblily less problem with LGB flex? I only saw it really expand once since it’s been down.

I like in Mesa, Az. It is currently 112 degrees. Forcast for tomorrow 115. I use LGB track only. I pour a concrete roadbed and glue down all of my track with GE Silicon II Caulking. I don’t worry about expansion and contraction. I lay all of my track in the summer when it is warm (It isn’t hot here until it reaches 120). I have had track down for seven years without any problems. I am sure the rails expand and contract over the year but with laying it in the heat the rails are as long as they are going to get. If I laided track in the cool months I would just leave an 1/8" gap every 4 feet to help compensate. I only use rail clamps where I need them and primarilly rely on the LGB rail joiners.


Noel, I use Hillman’s expansion track on my layout. Mississippi gets hot too! They work very good. I install them before and inbetween curves. I have a new outside loop on the layout and have not installed expansion track on part of it. A couple of weeks ago I had a kink from the heat. The expansion track solved the problem. I install them half expanded to allow for expansion and contraction. They come with 4 clamps so all required is cutting a section out and installing the new track.

Never seen expansion tracks from Hillman. Hillman was recently purchased, so it’s a moot point at this moment.

Split Jaw does make expansion tracks, so you can get them there.

Regards, Greg

I purchased a year or so ago on Ebay a set of expansion joiners that were discontinued I think by Hillman or Split Jaw that were “accordian style”. Where opposing sides were milled away to “relieve” the expansion. I’m not sure it works or worked, BUT they were “cheap” rail joiners on Ebay and came with some other rail clamps so…I got them. I’ve not tried them yet but the fact that they were discontinued would leave me to believe that they were not good enough? Again I thought they were Hillmans? I could be wrong though?


Thank you for the input. Both Hillman and Split Jaws produced the expanding tracks. Split jaws offers a wide variety of them, while the Hillman version is limited to one item. Hillman is still in business, now located in South Carolina, and known as the Hillman-Stewart Co., they do not have a website, but they advertise in Garden Railways (the url with the ad is no longer functioning). Alan Stewart is the principal for Hillman-Stewart. We have begun installing the Hillman item, and it does seem to be working.

So Noel -

What more can you tell us about Hillman? Last I knew, Hillman sold to Silvergate Manufacturing and they were never really able to get production going again. Did this Alan Stewart buy the business from Silvergate?

Edit / Update said:
Welcome to Silvergate Manufacturing… Silvergate Manufacturing is no longer repairing or selling parts for G-Scale model trains.

Hillman’s Rail Clamps has been sold to Alan M. Stewart. The new company will continue to use the Hillman’s Rail Clamp brand name. Manufacturing will continue to be done in the US at the new location in Florence, South Carolina. The website continues to be Please email Alan at [email protected]

Yes, Silvergate apparently sold, or transferred interest to Stewart. My impression is that Alan is trying to get things going again. I have ordered things for some of my clients and have received most of them, while awaiting further production runs to completely fill my order. Hope this helps.

Thanks Noel. For clamps, I really prefer the Split Jaw because Hillman never really made a clamp that worked on Aristo SS track. They had an SS clamp, but it had the same opening size as the brass clamp and would split every time on my SS rail. I do like and use their bridge clamps for lift-out and hinged bridges. As far as I know they were the only ones that made them.

The split jaw “expanding clamps” (as opposed to the expanding track section) did not work well, per the owner of SJ.

He made them because a good customer asked for them.

That’s the story I got.

Regards, Greg

I can understand that they would not work well. As I said they came with some other clamps that I did want and I’ve not installed them. I will likely use them in a pinch when I NEED to rather than because I WANT to.


My expansion joint’s don’t really move but my radius does.

This is my problem, and why I am installing them. Hope to get more in the morning, and adjust accordingly.

Noel Arnold said:
This is my problem, and why I am installing them. Hope to get more in the morning, and adjust accordingly.
Thought I gave you my insight from personal experience using 332 Aristo Track on your last thread and you were making a mountain to hide the sun exposed area?

Hi David,
Yes, I am still putting in the mountain, but an area behind that, and to the right is also catching a huge amount of sun, making this either a very, very large mountain,or an area with expansion tracks, so, we’re going to try the expansion tracks. The issue isn’t the straight tracks, it’s the curves expanding, and, effectively decreasing radius as well as distance between the different tracks, neither of which is desirable. I have started in this area, and it seems to be working, but there is so much to do. Today may be the perfect day as the temps may go over 100 degrees. Wish me luck.

Noel Arnold said:
Today may be the perfect day as the temps may go over 100 degrees. Wish me luck. Noel
Stay hydrated and Good Luck! ;)