Large Scale Central

Topics >100 posts in red

Just noticed a couple of days ago, topics with 100 posts or greater are in red, the little icon of 2 pieces of paper:


wonder if there are any other changes…

Ole BD sneaking thing in there when we are not looking to see if we notice!

I’ve been slowly resetting options back to their defaults trying to get a bit more speed (and life) out of the forum. It takes an inordinate amount of time to load, and making it as boilerplate as possible should speed things up.

AH, but I thought this was a leisure time activity. (

Time to load is slow? Hmm… not seeing that here, but I am running 6 core I7… perhaps the trackers are doing it, or the ads. I have killed them and plenty happy with the forum.


I have not noticed any changes in performance.

I went back and to be fair, it does sometimes take a while for a page to load, and it is slower than other forums.

I hope you find it Bob. What I do is read two forums at a time, read a post, then click for the next unread, and then jump to the other forum I have queued up, which is in the UK so it has had a chance to queue up.

I’ve been doing this for a while and forgot I was doing it.


Multitasking, doing multiple things at the same time, and none of them particularly well. ( least, that’s what happens with me.

This particular gambit works fine, and you can watch the indicator in the FireFox tab to see when it finishes loading, so swapping between forums is easy and basically I am not waiting on the page loading.
