If Hilary becomes Queen of America, that would make Billy a real Prince…
Warren Mumpower said:YES! And everyone would be asking: "Who got crowned??" :lol: :lol: :lol:
If Hilary becomes Queen of America, that would make Billy a real Prince....:D
Warren Mumpower said:
If Hilary becomes Queen of America, that would make Billy a real Prince…
They can alway keep the current Court Jester…
Ooooooooooooohhhh, Vic got his Sacred Cow Gored!
Did I say that out loud?
Yep, it is the Silly Season.
Victor Smith said:
Warren Mumpower said:
If Hilary becomes Queen of America, that would make Billy a real Prince…They can alway keep the current Court Jester…
Vic, If the writers’ strike goes on for long enough he’ll be on the talk show circuit.
You kiddin, he’ll get his own reality show
Victor Smith said:Right! Would you call that an ox with a moron ...... errrrr ....... I mean an oxymoron??
You kiddin, he'll get his own reality show ;)
Victor Smith said:Great! But why couldn't he get in touch with reality [i]before[/i] he took office? ;)
You kiddin, he'll get his own reality show ;)
Oh yeah, that’s just a hoot! Even funnier than starting a war based on lies killing thousands of our troops just to make Dick and Dubya’s oil buddies rich with record profits while cutting their taxes giving us record budget deficits while sending the economy into the crapper. Oh damn, I forgot to laugh.
Queen Hilary ain’t done nuthin’ for us in NY boys. Since I’m not a party line voter I’m not convinced anyone is worth my vote not that it really matters. All the down state idiots that got sumthin from Hilary will overirde my measly little vote.
So who’s spring for the beer?
Remember guys if you think anybody who gets into the presidency can change things we are all sadly mistaken, and i think you have to be somewhat crooked to even enter or go anywhere in politics. Im speaking from experience not the crooked part but i was involved in a situation where i went all the way to the top for justice, they ignored me passed me off as a crazy nut case. All people in politics, or authority, all theyre good for is baby kissing ,back slapping, hand shaking, and photo opportunities when presented with a real problem they shy away, and dont want to help, i had over 350 video tapes, a lawyer( he got disbarred) he was more crooked than the system i went after!!! Nobody would help and after the lawyer was disbarred, (and he should have been for what he did) the system said now we have him where we want him and nobody would help even other lawyers, who knew my situation, and told me to keep going! but how with no replresentation??? catch 22 Wow got off on a tangent here thought we were talking about trains!!!oh boy thanks for your attention. The more honest you are the farther you get shoved behind, but I SLEEP GOOD AT NIGHT!!!
Welcome aboard, Jerry. I see you have found the forum where all the political problems of the world are solved…
Warren Mumpower said:Yep, we just drop them all in Warren's lap and go play trains.
Welcome aboard, Jerry. I see you have found the forum where all the political problems of the world are solved...:D
not much for politics or politicians like a friend says about law enforcement i have no need for it and try to stay away from it at any cost!!! Lead Follow or get the He-- out of my way i always say! "Indecision is the root of all Evil!! Hey guys if any of you are looking for any g-scale just put some in classifieds, can send a list of things i have some for sale some not or are open for discussion, email me for list or questions or whatever take a look at you tube under 7485jerry if your looking for a neat real fast way of putting sound in your aristo engines at a lesser cost than what has previously been out there installation even for me the electronically challanged was 20 minutes go see the sound between QSI and Phoenix!!!let me know if any questions or comments either through you tube, or [email protected] Thanks for letting me get on my soapbox!!! the blueregal
brian donovan said:
Oh yeah, that's just a hoot! Even funnier than starting a war based on lies killing thousands of our troops just to make Dick and Dubya's oil buddies rich with record profits while cutting their taxes giving us record budget deficits while sending the economy into the crapper. Oh damn, I forgot to laugh.-Brian
Yep, its the silly season.
C’mon, folks, ya gotta admit that bumper snicker is funny.
Steve Featherkile said:brian donovan said:
Oh yeah, that's just a hoot! Even funnier than starting a war based on lies killing thousands of our troops just to make Dick and Dubya's oil buddies rich with record profits while cutting their taxes giving us record budget deficits while sending the economy into the crapper. Oh damn, I forgot to laugh.-Brian
Yep, its the silly season.C’mon, folks, ya gotta admit that bumper snicker is funny.
No it isn’t. It is puerile.
BTW, I am commenting on the sticker, not the politics.
I leave that to other erudite American commentators like Kevin.
Way to go Kevin.
What I find funny is that Republicans try to come off as morally superior then the names Taggart, Foley, and Craig come to mind. By the way, not in any way a Hillary fan, wouldn’t vote for her if she was at the top of the ticket.
I’ve always thought this one was a hoot
What I find funny is that primaries arent even over, let alone the actual elections, yet some Republicans I know are already talking as if Hillary’s taken the oath of office! That says volumns to me of what they think of their own candidates, let alone their chances of winning… lets just all remember, November is a loooong way off boys and girls!
Oh how I wish I could say that sticker is funny.
OK I’ll grant my own wish.