Large Scale Central

To. Paint or not to paint?!

So he’s twenty eleven years old?

That’s about the time my grandmother gave up birthdays and started celebrating the anniversary of her 29th birthday.

I think that was a brilliant idea.

seems, today is not your best day.

So slightly older than I thought, 26. It’s been a fun 14 year ride so far.

Make sure to check out Shane Stewart and Mike Dorsch. 2 exceptional scratch builders of modern freight.

I need to go back to some of my old builds logs and update the photos. If I can find the digital version of them off line. :thinking:

They have trains too. (Burlington, VT. Stopped freight across all the crossings in town.)

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In addition to PeterT’s remarks, if you go to Burlington, VT, be sure to ride the dinner train. It’s wonderful fun!

Regards, David Meashey

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I think the older folks are OLD and need guidance. I know, I have been here just a little while and can sense these things. I one of the younger, more vibrate ones with a normal skill set and non dyed hair. I wont give my age away, being a young’in myself, but it is between 70 and 72. I maintain a perfect teddy bear shape and drool on my models when I work on them. :smiley:

young man, you mean almost perfect.
i am a tleast 12 months older than you, and i never drool on models, i’m working on.
because of my eyes i have to work with outstretched arms, and my drooling has no where to go, than on my belly…

I somehow missed all of this. First welcome to the forum. You have some exceptional skill. That spreader is awesome.

Deneh wonders how Korm can drool on his belly, but not bounce it on his models…

first: i’m a natural.
second: my arms are longer than Tirion’s are.
third: my belly is more prominent, than my chin is.
fourth: my beard is not long enough to retain all of the drool.


Worse case of kitbasher ADHD ever! :laughing: what started out as me trying to decide weather to keep my Alaska SD70 MAC intact or convert it into a UP SD70 M-2, resulted in me finally deciding to keep it as is , and build my 70m-2 from scratch. Some how, my SD70M-2 switched to an SD70Ace mid build, and as for that Alaska unit I vowed to keep? I took it apart to add a decoder and some radio control equipment, and when I put it back together it looked like this

It de-evolved from 70mac to SD60…so it’s fate is sealed. I’ll Finnish it up soon and get back to work on the 70Ace.:see_no_evil:

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That looks great. Nice work.

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Actually, to be honest, it’s spending hours on YouTube drooling over your projects that I m learning most of my abilities from! I remember you built an SD60f when I was like 17! The draper-taper deal. I ran down and bought a bunch of styrene plastic and tried to build one. It was a complete disaster! Quite possibly the most hideously looking thing I have ever built, but I loved it, and never turned back! Thank you🙂

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That’s certainly good to hear. You’re doing fantastic with your builds and I look forward to following future projects. Always great seeing younger people entering the hobby.


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