If you did, I made it a whole lot worse…
Doing the “wayback” machine with wavy lines
(he lied to me anyway cause he was a month younger than I was)
Found my new family . For one, I cherish the older model railroad gurus! They are the pinnacle of my skill and knowledge base. I literally learned how to build models by closely watching and learning from build posts in forums, magazines, books, and clubs done by those who had decades of experience over me. I am literally visiting all of the build posts in this forum learning new and different ways people create things. The talent found here, and knowledge available is AMAZING!! And I love the relaxed open environment. So this here youg’un is like a kid in a candy store around these parts.
Hi, awesome to meet someone who has actually heard of where I’m from!!! it’s so beautiful up there. I always visit Keesville , and Ausable chasm when ever I’m home. I love the Adirondack area and still haven’t gotten used to not having mountains as a backdrop to my daily life. Minnesota is so different…yet oddly similar in culture? Also, nice to meet another person close to my age…but the boomers and gen X’ers have captured me, corrupted me, and turned me against Millennials and all that fallows:joy:
Yup! Any place that makes a right turn while the left turning signal is on, is Definitely where I belong!
Ha! Take that, Rooster!
I’m just glad I’m not the “young kid” around these parts. When did I officially enter the almost old man club? My wife keeps telling me I’m turning 40 this year but I refuse to believe it.
so you’re aproaching the metallic age…
hey, Candy Kid, be carefull whom you closely watch.
some of us, (yours truly included) are so fast in their building, that you turn old yourself, before learning much.
Exactly why I started watching you guys when I was like 8 or 9 years old on large scale.com and aristocraft forum before it went down. I literally grew up with some of the models you guys built!
Oh my God! We went there in October! It was freezing but really amazing to see.
I may have missed it, but do you have a place to run your trains? Living in an apartment, I don’t have much space for mine. But, I imagine growing up with model trains as you did, you probably have a whole set up that’s been around for some time.
Also, do you have any online collection where you record your projects? A few of us, myself included, have websites where we detail our work (as best we can) and if all goes well this weekend, I’m planning to make some videos going forward.
I’m sure she was talking about true age and not mentality. Just because I’m 55 doesn’t mean my feathers are falling out.
The feathers might not be falling out but the hair is not doing too well !
Cliffy…as you well know…making MANY mistakes, means you possibly learned MANY lessons…
That’s the grand thing of aging; more mistakes = more educational possibilities.
I’ll bet that I possibly met or at least passed Jenny’s father along the D&H back in '73, when the D&H ran their Steam Special up to Montreal…that’s about 55 years ago…!
Fred Mills
I think I first joined MLS when I was 18? and came here by my 20’s? Now I’m curious when I signed up here.
If you’ve been lurking for that long, I feel bad about all the unfinished projects I’ve posted about over the years.
I’ve got another decade until I reach that age. My wife and I are still trying to process the fact that our oldest will be entering middle school next year (6th) and our youngest is currently in kindergarten.
just click on your avatar pic.
" Joined Aug 20, '11"
Boy, so do I! Too much planning, not enough executing.