Surprise, surprise, the Porter, while still available under the Wuhu Arts and Crafts brandname, is now marketted as the 'new' Accucraft #5 Ruby.
Tim, That's not the case. The are definitely [i]not[/i] the same locomotive. There are significant engineering similarities, yes. (I'm told the engineers behind WuHu are former Accucraft guys, but have no confirmation on that.) Whatever the genesis of the similarities, they are merely that. This was discussed at length when the WuHu loco first came out, and confirmed when people actually got their hands on one and compared it to the Accucraft loco.
http://www.mylargescale.com/Community/Forums/tabid/56/aff/11/aft/114928/afv/topic/Default.aspx#157750, photo at the bottom of the thread.
There’s no way they’re built from the same parts–in fact when you see them side by side, the differences stand out much more than any perceived similarities from seeing them in separate photos. Accucraft’s new Porter is definitely built on the Ruby.
Per a friend who’s been dealing with WuHu directly on a project I’ve been involved with, WuHu and Accucraft are not one and the same, nor do they share products.