Large Scale Central

Time to expand...time for timesaver

I’ve had this flower bed mulched over for a long time. After going to the ECLSTS many times and meeting Ric Golding and having my son monopolize this timesaver, I was inspired to use this flower bed to make my own timesaver.

This is the space after I’ve removed the mulch and tilled the soil:


Since this is under the over hang of the sun room and does not get wet at all, I need to bury a soaker hose so the plants can get some water. I plan on putting sedums in between the tracks. (The grey rocks are outdoor speakers for the radio in the shed, so we can enjoy music on the patio.)


This will give you an idea of the layout once I’m done. towards the background, I plan to use the trestles you see stacked up to ‘bridge’ this timesaver with the rest of the layout in the other flower garden (I was considering a WYE at the end and a portal into the shed to store the engines/freight and to use that as my battery recharging station :-)).


forcast for thunder storms tonight, so I figured I’d post this. I’ll provide updated photos as I progress. This weekend will be nice weather and with no real family plans, I might get most of it done (oh, wait, I’m low on rail clamps :frowning: darn! I’ll do as much as I can :-))

Where’s the pictures???

Hey, you’re right. What did happen to the pics?
I’ll have to re-educate myself on how to include pictures. Stand by while I figure it out

Joe Zullo said:

Where’s the pictures???

Problem is the filename:

Gotta get rid of the space and parenthesis.

Should be fixed now. I could have sworn that I edited it just before posting to remove the space. My ‘preview’ wasn’t showing the post correctly. fixed now. Thanks for the assistance Jon.

Yup - Looks good now! Watch your head when switching cars in there :]

This looks cool, thanks for allowing me to corrupt your boy. We actually have more fun than the kids do. The “Timesaver” is a great tool for all ages to enjoy the hobby in any scale.

Its always fun to see the kids (of all ages) and watch how they grow each year. Some have gotten so good, that when they take over the “Timesaver”, it is my chance to see the show.

Hey I like it! YA know…you can make your own railjoiners and clamps with some sheet brass…

Well the weather was great to work on this this past weekend. The list of outdoor jobs was greater than we needed. So the only thing I got done was to bury the soaker hose and install a small stone wall at the far end to keep the dirt from running onto the patio.

Thanks Bart. I did read that article in GR about making your own. At this point I’ve got to pick and choose my projects. At this point I don’t need another project creating another project for me :slight_smile:

Finally I was able to put some time into finishing this little project. I was able to get the track all connected last night. I still have to add more ballast and level the track out. I’ll post pix once I can get them off the camera - it’s acting up again, on its last legs.

As for setting the points, I’ve got a telescoping magnet/reacher that I plan to modify to be able to set the points while standing on the patio (or sitting on the wall). I should be able to get to this before the end of July :slight_smile:

Any small plant recommendations - zone 7ish, Maryland, US