Large Scale Central

Three new figures for my layout

My newest figures are version 2 of Aunty Joan, My cousin Jerry Sullivan, and an Old Codger I knew as a kid. All the figures fit ok on my 1:20.32 scale layout even though they are all for smaller scales. The first two Aunty Joan and Jerry are 1:22 scale. The old codger is 1:24 scale but works okay as a 4 foot 10 inch old man in 1:20.32 scale. Aunty Joan is about 5 foot 10 inches at 1:22 scale and around 5 foot 3 in 1:20.32 scale. Jerry can sit on a 3/4 inch high seat or 1/2 inch seat with no problem. I gotta say, painting the faces of Jerry and the old Codger was a bit of a challenge because of their size. I had to give up on doing convincing pupils and iris for the eyes, but they seem to work out okay. Jerry was inspired by my older cousin Jerry Sullivan who used to protect me and my cousin Lyn from my oldest cousin who used to love to beat the TAR out of us. Usually Jerry got the raw end of the deal, being the younger and smaller of the two. But as they entered their teens Jerry started growing fast and it didn’t take long before Doug (the oldest) was the under dog in the match. Even when Jerry was smaller he always gave Doug a good fight and exhausted the meaness out of him. This figure shows Jerry after one of those fights. The old codger was an old guy that used to live down the street from me. He seemed like a dwarf next to my father and his whole wardrobe consisted of denim. He always had an angry grimace which hid a gentle more kindly nature. He sported a huge mustache which he called his “cookie duster” and always had time to fix a tire or kite in his little shop in their basement. Aunty Joan is just a standing version of the previously released seated incarnation of Aunty Joan. I decided to paint her a newer dress to add a little variation to my layout.

Brilliant, as usual.

Nice work Richard

Very nice!

Mean lookin ol’ cuss…:wink:

Ken Brunt said:
Mean lookin ol’ cuss…:wink:

Funny you should say that. I kinda thought he looks a little like this guy :lol:


The figures look great, Richard. Ralph

Ralph, they could be brothers :wink:

LMAO>>>>>>> I was thinking the EXACT same thing myself Ralph!!!
I might have to own that character…