Large Scale Central

Third time the Charm?

Some of you know i have been working on an updated Barnhart loader, to be produced by Iron Creek Shops.

One of the issues i have been working on is how to produce the rolled tin roof.
So here are the first two attempts to make the material. suffice to say that even with my gummier resin on the second try, and gearing the two lower axles together, would not even attempt to pull thru. you will also note i didn’t finish the first two designs to include a hold down for the middle roller, as finger pressure proved it didn’t work

in the next part i will show the solution.


So it was time for a different approach.
I designed male and female dies,again going back to the 3d printer for the output.

I resurrected from my Barn an old press i had picked up some years ago, originally planing to turn out handrails, cleaned it up, and removed the tooling i didn’t need, and hooked up temporarily to my air compressor supply. that is a 4" cylinder at 100+ psi and the 3d printed parts held up like a charm.

the results were close to what i was after, half of a roof segment. the radius did experience some spring back, so the next version will alter the radius some, but the concept is sound. and i am not sure how i would otherwise produce the profile on the die surfaces that do the work.