Large Scale Central

The WVMGRS at the Md Fall Home & Garden Show

The Washington, Virginia, and Maryland Garden Railway Society ( ) is currently displaying a true garden railway at the Fall Maryland Home & Garden / Holiday Craft Show ( ) at the Maryland State Fairgrounds in Timonium (just north of Baltimore). We will be there until 9 tonight and 10 am to 6 pm Sunday. The garden railway layout was designed by me with a bit of help from Jeff Mitulla. The 20’ x 40’ layout features five trains running at one time with a outer loop, an inner dogbone loop, a raised town loop, a circle loop around the patio and a raised “S” point to point trolley line running over the pond. The landscape features a circular patio, waterfall and pond, many (and only) live trees shrubs and flowers, stone and lots of mulch. Here are a few pics -

I had the opportunity to do a live TV interview early Friday morning with Patrice Harris of Baltimore’s FOX45 Morning News to promote the display and talk about garden railroading. I was even later recognized later in the day!


Brian, too bad you’re not that good looking…:stuck_out_tongue:

Nice looking layout. Looks like you guys are having a good time…:slight_smile:


What’s on the menu at the Patio Restaurant?

Hans-Joerg Mueller said:

What’s on the menu at the Patio Restaurant?

Friday evening dining was a tasty gyro from one of the vendors! I skipped getting the Bud to go with it but I thought about it for awhile.


Love the EggLiner!