Large Scale Central

The worst summer, yet.

Came home from the Coffee-Klatsch in Kelowna - the “Cobwebs and Dust” group down there gets together every Monday morning - to “not enough flow in the creek” from SWMBO.

The algae growth in the pond is something else this year and clogs the intake filter within two weeks.

Nope the usual remedies don’t do the job, too much sunshine and high temperatures neutralize all those efforts. It’s GRRRRR time 'til it cools down to “normal” temperatures.

Have you tried straw bundles in the outflow? That usually worked for me, and we get high temps down here for several weeks of the summer.

Do you have a UV sterilizer ?
my pond sits in direct sun light from dawn to dusk and I only have a algae problem on the waterfall rocks, have to scrub them once a week.
But other then that I have no other issues and the water stays crystal clear.

I do not have a fish pond, but the weeds have been tough to deal with this summer.

Gee, I keep reading about this monster algae, but I have never experienced it. My “filter” is a marsh that is 1/3 to 1/2 a large as the surface of my pond. The water gets aerated coming out of the pump outflow, flows through the marsh, then over a waterfall, where it gets aerated again, into the pond. The water is usually clear, unless I stir up the silt at the bottom trying to fish out debris. Yes, in the early spring I get a little algae, small pockets of it, but no monster blooms. I leave the small pockets of algae in there, because that’s where the fish like to mate.

I have no UV filter. I don’t use straw, nor barley or whatever. I don’t add chemicals. I never drain the pond. And I don’t have any of the issues I keep reading that other folks have. I must be doing something wrong.

Summers here are once again the new “normal” hot and humid from june thru august. We’re getting alot more monsoon moisture from the southeast. Expecting it to dry out starting in sept. We’ll see how bad temps are in sept/oct/ nov which is peak fire season here.

I don’t think I got out to work on my railroad at all this summer…perhaps to run the train once or twice at the most. And that was only after tearing down all the weeds that were happily growing. Too hot here in Central California. I am so ready for cooler temps…and perhaps some rain??


Wow, our Summer, Southeastern Pa., has been great. After the past few hotter than hell summers, we are having a livable, able to run trains in the afternoon, type Summer.

Enjoying this fall weather in the 70s here.

Let’s see, it’s now 26C.

Returned to suitable Fall weather. Time to get cracking on the “have to get done” projects in the garden.

Gold fish not only mate in the water with algae, but they also eat the algae.

I seldom feed the fish at all, and they thrive. When I do feed them; I only use rolled oats…not the instant rolled oats…they love the stuff…

There is some idea that this year may be a warmer Winter, if so the fish may survive in the bottom of the pond. It is 4 feet deep, but often the frost goes that deep. If they don’t; I just pick up a dozen or so “Feeder Fish” at the pet store…cheap at 10 cents each. I’ve got to the point that the only reason for the fish in the pond is that they also eat the mosquito larvae.

A pond can be a real maintenance problem. If I started over, I wouldn’t bother with one at all…and that’s after over 30 years of pond ownership.

Too many fish predators in the neighbourhood, none of the neighbours restocked after the blue herons, raccoons etc. etc. were done … that is after about three or four times.

I use a pond defroster to keep a vent hole open in my pond, and keep some water liquid at the deep end (3 feet) of my pond. The fish do lay their eggs in the algae, so I leave the little bit of algae I do get alone. Once the eggs hatch, the younguns eat the algae. My pond was stocked with 2 dozen of them feeder fish. Several are 4 to 5 inches long now (2 summers later), and they have replaced the losses with offspring. I have a white one, and a few white ones with orange spots on them. I also have fish with differing tail lengths. So there is some genetic diversity in the cross bred feeder fish I buy.

My cheep pond liner split 2 years ago, in the winter, and I lost all my fish. They froze in the shallow water that turned to ice. That was the only major disaster I had in 17 years of having a pond. I enjoy it and I am glad I put in a pond. The pond went in a few years before the railroad, so the railroad had to kinda work around the pond.

Gonna be 90F tomorrow and 100F by Friday, shesh I’m tired of this summer, be gone already.

I got some “Algae” liquid eliminator for my pond. Cleared it right up and did not harm the fish.

Vic oh no. I still wanna play trains. 77 and sunny tomorrow. Nice train playing weather.

John, yea, I could eliminate algae, but then where would the fish mate?

Only 50F here now and into Autumn.
Been a real growing Summer. Thistles with 2" thick stems!!
Driest September for 100 years so they say…but as it’s the UK, it will rain and rain and make up for it sooner or later (as usual)…

Ross .

Did you see what the weather is going to do this weekend ?

It will mainly hammer the Scots as a punishment for not voting for independence .


Mike Morgan said:

Ross .

Did you see what the weather is going to do this weekend ?

It will mainly hammer the Scots as a punishment for not voting for independence .


Best place for it…but I have had worse at sea!