Large Scale Central

The very slowly progressing, CJSRR

Well, not even sure about the porgressing part.

The site measures 50’x30’ but could be pushed to 50’x40’. The building and steps will done away with one way or another. I am still working on coming up with a layout design but I want some switching possibilities in it. I am going to try to stick with trains from the 40s at the most recent as I enjoy watching steam locomotives with all there moving parts, however there is something I love about the look of the EMD E8. I am starting off with an Aristo 0-4-0T(BLT 2005) in Christmas colors with plans to aquire a tender for it and repaint it to match. I am thinking 8’ curves but may to 10’. This will be my first outdoor railroad(if I ever get any track down). I am currently using the Basic Train Engineer(Orange Unit), what is the best way to protect the track to pack wires and connectors that to connect to the track?

CL Welcome aboard. Go with 10’ if at all possible even larger if you can, even steam gets large. Not sure what you want on protection for wires, but you can bury them( low voltage lighting wires) and you can run conduit. Other ways are there also

Got a name and location? Name so we can converse, location as it will help with some of your questions in the future.


welcome CL. I agree with David go with the 10 foot if not wider curves. The E8 will look better and you will be happier in the long run.
besides some switching what do you like? do you like being able to sit and enjoy the the trains run or do you wont to being doing something all the time with them?

Good luck


Welcome. You will get great advice on this site. Dont be afraid to ask questions.

Welcome aboard! Looks like you have a great spot there for a RR. And if there was ever an award for World’s Ugliest Shed, you’d be a shoe-in! :smiley:

Ray Dunakin said:
Welcome aboard! Looks like you have a great spot there for a RR. And if there was ever an award for World's Ugliest Shed, you'd be a shoe-in! :D

My boss would say ‘It’s got good bones’ then spend a thousands renovating it when he could have torn it down and built new for half or less.

Welcome CL. Looking forward to seeing what you have planned.

Nice to see another member from NC.

Hey, CL, pull up a chair, grab some coffee and sit a spell. The 10:27 will be along soon, if she’s on time. I agree with the others, go with the biggest radius you can. You might even give some consideration to eschewing “snap track” and using flex track. The best way to protect the track to pack wires is to have the pack indoors, or at least out of the weather. For the longest time, I got away with using a plastic tub to cover the receiver on my 27 mHz Aristo Trackside TE. The actual power pack was inside a shed. The wires that connect to the track really don’t need protection, especially if you solder them. There are track clamps from Hillman’s or from Split Jaw that clamp the wire to the track. I think that you might be disappointed with the basic TE. It’s ok for around the tree at Christmas, but doesn’t have enough oomph (amperage) to do much out of doors. At some point (soon) you will have to spend the money to get a bigger power pack and controller. You might consider using battery power. With only two locomotives (for now :D) the difference in cost will be negligible, and the ease of controlling and operating two locomotives on the same track will be greatly enhanced. Keep us informed. We like photographs.


Hi CL,

Welcom aboard, good luck with your layout. I agree with the others go with 10’ or larger with your curves. The bigger the better.


Toot toot from another steam engine! You’ll have great fun building your layout. Welcome.

Welcome too, CL. I am envious of you guys with all that property. Lots of potential there. Have fun building.

Welcome aboard, CL. Nice big site you have for your RR. I’m sure the brain trust here will give you opinions on what to do, whether or not you ask for them!

So much space, but with so very little income, so even a small loop will take me a long while to complete. I have yet to come with an actual name, but the letters are the first letter of; my name, my wife’s name, and my daughter’s name. The location I have picked out is roughly a 4% grade with a small valley or two. I want a small loop with a couple of sidings that I can expand easily to encompass the whole area over the years. Mostly I enjoy watching train(s) run, but when I have the time I enjoy a simple switching puzzle. I have a N scale E8 but not a large scale E8, but I do plan to buy a large scale E8 down the road. I want to stay to close to ground level, but more importantly, I don’t want to overload the 0-4-0, so I plan on keeping the grades under 2%, preferably closer to 1%. Currently, I have two 20’ freight cars and a caboose to pull around.

Sounds like a good plan, start small and slowly increase. That is what most of us did or are doing.

Don’t be afraid to change if you find something doesn’t work.

Get a moaning chair. That way, when everything seems FUBAR, you have a place to go to contemplate the stupidity of the whole thing for about 20 minutes, by which time you will have stumbled upon the solution. It’s a trick I learned from boat builders.

Don’t be afraid to ask. We’ll probably tell you whether you ask or not, but it’s nice to be needed. :lol:

welcome aboard, CL…

What all said - WELCOME ABOARD.

Wow, it has been almost a year. The building was removed in early summer, and track was laid in March. I currently have 7.75 feet of track down, and a switch on order. The tax return brought an Aristo 0-4-0 with sound tender in B&O livery, and a Southern gondola. Oh, can’t forget about the B&O bobber cab. Two plants have been planted.



Gotta start somewhere…:wink:

We all been there at one time or another…

The biggest step is getting the first section of track down.
Amazing how fast it grows from there :wink:

Good Start!! The learning curve begins.
Doc Tom