One follows progress, or lack there of, at intervals - I need intervals otherwise it will be “same old, same Old” most of the time. If one also follows the happenings in the other scales one is entitled to ask: what’s wrong with Large Scale?
After reading the hissy fit about the “insult” (perceived would be the term that comes to mind!) to a member of the Richter family on a certain forum, I’d say: too many legacy issues and too much nostalgia. That along with the perception that everything should be at rock-bottom price …
Perhaps it would be time to do a reality check: what were the reasons for the insolvencies in the industry (any of the scales)? why does it take umpteen announcements prior to merchandise actually hitting the shelves? why do some mfgs have to keep up with the Jones and still muddle along with yet another version of their proprietary hardware which isn’t backwards compatible with their own stuff.
Seems like only the personnel is being recycled, which reminds me … where are they now: Dave Buffington (how’s the Newspaper business?), Tony Castellano, Michael Stevens.
Of course anyone who sees, perceives or suspects any connections in the various messes and the manner in which they (finally?) got sorted out, has either paid attention to what’s going on … or is simply a conspiracy theorist.
Oh BTW there is still some more sorting to do. It will be interesting to see what happens at the NGRC in Tacoma.