Large Scale Central

The Saga of My Ever Shrinking RR...Part Deux

OK been testing ELECTRIC trains, over part of the track, I actually just hooked up a powerpack to the track and surprise, its conducts current all the way around, even with all the crap in the joints. Agony Point is well named, its steep, and slippery, just like its prototypes on the Darj and the Uintah RRs, need to add a little more weight to my Bug Maulers, transitions seem to be working well. Discovered that Buddy L and Bachmann couplers dont…at least on curves, the knuckles dont overlap enough and on a curve they simply slip apart. Hmmm. So thats one more thing to fix, convert them all to B’manns

First big fault found :open_mouth:

Had to eliminate the reverse S curve at the base of Agony Point, was causing derailments, added a 6" straight on each side. Need to rework some of the upper level supports where track will now go. The 6" straights on the other reverse S curves help a great deal, I now have to see how it effects the only remaining reverse S, at the bybass track at the base of Long Grade, I have to see if I can add a 6" straight there as well and shift the bypass track back a little.

This is why you always test and test and test again before you fix down any track or start any scenery, :wink:

An progress update! :smiley:

Slowly and steadily working on the layout, I got all the track down, all the blocks wired, all the wires run, the powerpack installed, the BTE wired into it so I figure I’ve got all the pices in place to give it a try :D, turn on the pack, put an engine on the track and started presing buttons and got…


not a sausage! :open_mouth: check the wires, nothin’, checked the block controls, nothin’a quick check of the BTE controller revealed the problem:

Dead battery :frowning:

…and after a search of the house, there are not any spares or ones to cannibalis in the house, Grrrr :frowning:

Oh well, looks like tommorow…:wink:

Found a battery, fixed a wiring glitch got it running this AM



WooHoo…!! Vic’s finally got trains running…!

Warren Mumpower said:
WooHoo…!! Vic’s finally got trains running…!

Beer and dancing girls! In a family forum! I am shocked, I tell you, shocked!

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! Shocked all right…'cause you weren’t invited to the party…:stuck_out_tongue:

Test running, my stock Bug Mauler pulled two full size boxcars and caboose around in both directions, some slipping on the grade, just like the real thing only i dont have any sand to lay down, but it didnt stop. I take that as a success! I was more worried about derails on the transition sections but so far A-OK

Somebody mention a party?

It’s over. Go back to sleep…:stuck_out_tongue:

Well we were celibrating the end of Super Tuesday last night…
YEH! ITS OVER… well for now.

Oh and somebody won something…:wink:

I wired up the last siding this AM. Its ready to ROCK and ROLL! and I’m not talking about uneven track :open_mouth:

…after I clean the track :smiley:

Update to today,

Been running the Bug Mauler around the layout dragging the track cleaner over the mainline, it manages to drag that lump up and over in both directions, tested the wifes Bloody L circus engine again, it can pull itself and the bobber caboose up and over but is too light for additional cars. Surgury time, going to drill a hole in those great big air tanks on the sides and fill’em with buckshot. That should help alot, I also plan to add some self adhesive weights inside my Bug Maulers boilers and probably, to all my smaller engines.

I now know for sure my transitions are correct, if that stupid Bloody L can make it around, all the rest will no trouble as that was the only engine that ran like crap by derailing or lifting the drivers off the rails if the track wasnt near perfect. Cleaning up right now, sheesh didnt relize what a mess I made putting that last work drive into it.

pic soon, I hope

Just a teaser pic, for all those guys out there with computerized DCC and radio wave recievers… …my “High Tech” control system :open_mouth: and yes, I know I need to change the block ID numbers :wink:

Victor Smith said:

Just a teaser pic, for all those guys out there with computerized DCC and radio wave recievers… …my “High Tech” control system :open_mouth: and yes, I know I need to change the block ID numbers :wink:

Nah, leave the IDs alone - they synchronise with the way you label your parts drawers!

Your a funny guy Dave :smiley:


Early test run with a Bug Mauler, gives a good idea of the layout size

PS engine is running about 4 times regular speed so you can see the whole layout in one take.


Looking good Vic. I know you must feel really great now. It’s running. Now you get to start on all the fun parts…the scenery and buildings…:slight_smile:

Nice one, mate.

As one who has been known to leave large foreign objects on tracks, there was one horrible instant where I thought your tape player had had it!

Test Video #2, using smaller workaday rolling stock. This is what I normally will be running:D

That loco looks like it belongs. Bug Mauler just seemed to be too big and over powered the layout.