Large Scale Central

The new shop

The new shop? Sorta… It’s been here but it was full of stuff that should have been chucked years ago and…the South wall was a roll up garage door with no windows…cold in the winter. So here’s the North view. The door on the left leads to the RR. Trains are driven out via the “cat door” across a lift bridge and on into the RR. To the right of that door is the Mill and lathe. To the left work table and train storage under.

South… The beautiful new window and door that leads to my part of the driveway. A new desk for the head conductor “me” :slight_smile:

East…The wood shop area. Exit left to the pantry, laundry and kitchen.

West…More views of the train storage. 24 cars on the tracks and the 'lectric K37 (still for sale) and the live steam K36. And another 24 cars stored above the tracks.

I’m so happy. Momma paid for the upgrades :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Always nice to have a clean work area with everything in it’s place. Looks good Larry. Now it’s time too mess it up a bit working on the railroad. :slight_smile:

Dave Marconi said:
Always nice to have a clean work area with everything in it's place. Looks good Larry. Now it's time too mess it up a bit working on the railroad. :)
And it is nice when you keep it clean! I will NOT show my shop as it is hard to tell where the 'stuff' ends and the Trains begin!


Shop? He’s got more empty space in there than we do in our whole house!

Can I store a few projects over the winter? Otherwise they’ll be outside under those blue ‘New England Redneck Garages’

The empty space has a purpose :wink: That’s were the table goes when construction on the winter projects begins.
Got some long buildings to make this winter. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks good Larry. Very neat, in fact much too neat. You’re making everyone jealous. What you need now is comprehensive tutoring on how to “reclutter” your workshop. If you would care to visit my sawdust factory I will happily show you how to make a mess so you will once again “belong”. :wink:

Very nicely done Larry.

Nice looking workspace/train storage area…


The new door and window add a lot to the space. Looks great.


I wouldn’t know what to do with a “clean shop”…well,maybe I do. Mess it up…:wink:

I wouldn’t be able to find anything in a “clean shop!”

Hello Larry
Shop does looks great, lot more light and looks like it will heat a lot easer. Glad the K sold
I was starting to think about it. Your neatness makes me think you were in the service.

Yep, there sure is something to be said for a clean shop: I wouldn’t have it any other way. :lol: :lol:

BTW Steve, you’re probably right, you either learn that “chore”

SF said:
I wouldn’t be able to find anything in a “clean shop!”

really early or just forget about it.
I’m convinced that those with the creative chaos and “flexible” storage arrangements are more beneficial to the economy; buying a duplicate since one can’t find the original item does wonders in that respect. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

I have at least 10 track gauges spread around the shop over the years. I can only find one at any time. I ordered a new one and someone at the post office needed it more than I did. I ordered another and that same guy at the post office must have “Lost” the first one, now he has two. I ordered a third, along with some stuff someone else had ordered, and finally got a new track gauge.
As soon as I took the new track gauge out of it’s wrapping; I couldn’t find the one I had been using…go figure…

My shop is a mess, but I know where to find just about anything, except track gauges…!!!

I’ll mess it up in a bit. But I’m still thinning out collection. I’ve got way too much stuff and some of it is driving me bonkers.

Larry, don’t let your wife get near the computer!
(or who was it, who wrote that you got way too much stuff??)

That was me… I do believe in the “less is more” philosophy…trouble is I get to Less and then somehow More collects.

Expenditure rise to meet income… well… space accumulates stuff and more space accumulates more… Oy Vey :wink:

The new shop is bigger than my backyard added to half my house. MY lathe goes in a drawer when I’m not using it, and it’s also a miller and table saw, too.


Supporter of the Cape Meares Lighthouse Restoration Fund

I had to “borrow” an Allen wrench from my wife yesterday because I had lost the one I was using for insulated rail clamps.

I went off to install the clamps on a siding I hadn’t worked on since Spring and the Allen wrench was lying on the track ballast!

My wife’s quilting machine got it’s wrench back! The world is happy now.

tac, I know how you feel. I get that way when I drive around and see these useless lawns that are 2 acres. Oh the RR I would have it I just had a football field with which to work. My English teacher would be proud…usually I’d write a football field to work with.

My tools disappear out to the SWMBOs boat. 'Of course she makes me take them there…and use them too…geeeze