Large Scale Central

The Most Intersting Man in Model Railroading..

His last open house was so intense the National Guard had to be sent in to break it up…

He never uses E-bay or Pay-pal…Bob Cope volunteers to do that for him…

The NGRC in Tulsa will feature a clinic on his life…

His train collection is so well justified that even his wife (SWMBO) agrees that he is right…

He is!..

The most interesting man in model railroading.

“I don’t always do hobby stuff but when I do I choose model trains…stay railroady my friends…”

Alright here is my last offering (for the foreseeable future) ( I have railroad things to work on!

He based his evaluation of battery VS track power on the philosophies of Sun Tzu…

Lewis Polk, Charlie Ro and Lee Riley all asserted paternal claims until DNA testing proved conclusively that Darth Vader really is his father…

He led the coup that brought Bob “Benevolent Dictator” McCown to power…

When sworn in for testimony he insists on placing his left hand on a Walthers Catalogue…

His contributions to model railroading are so significant that the Parks Service placed a Historical Marker in front of his house…

He is!..

The most interesting man in model railroading.

“I don’t always do hobby stuff but when I do I choose model trains…stay railroady my friends…”

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“Stay charged, my friends.”


Vic, I have no idea of what this is supposed to be, it went completely over my head, but I love it! Where in the heck do you come up with this stuff anyway? Ha!


The picture I have been using and the Gif above are from the TV show “Big Bang Theory”. One of the characters is a train enthusiast and avid model railroader. Of course he is a massive nerd… but aren’t we all.

Boomer said it best, the character Dr Sheldon Cooper eminent physicist and researcher at JPL, also a fantastic train nerd. In this story arc Sheldon is so irritating his friends that one of them decides to get him out of town by using his “atom bomb” as he describes it, a 3-day “Be The Engineer” gift certificate to the Nevada Northern Railroad. When Sheldon tells his girlfriend, Amy Farrah Fowler, she has a hard time picturing why driving a train could be so good , then she has a seriously fantasy in her mind, this scene. In the context of the show it was absolutely hilarious, as his best friend Howard later says, best $4000 I ever spent.

Here is the full scene

I laughed until I cried!!!


Those two make the show.

Love the thread. Can’t think of anything to add (but I’m working on it.)

The Big Bang Theory also did a Napa Valley wine train train episode in season 7, episode 15, which my son told me about. Also hilarious.

As an aside, john, I wonder how many caught your " One of Rod Stewart’s ex-wives fell in love with him." reference?

When he is at the throttle of a speeding locomotive he always lets Superman win…

He counts all rivets… then divides by the amount of rolling stock known to exist…

His combined forum posts have been released as “books on tape”… read by James Earl Jones…

The episode of “Tracks Ahead” featuring his layout won an Oscar, but he was awarded a Nobel Prize because it seemed so much more appropriate…

He is!..

The most interesting man in model railroading.

“I don’t always do hobby stuff but when I do I choose model trains…stay railroady my friends…”

Everything he models is real. Unfortunately.

I blame Tom for starting this up again…

Whenever a child wanders into his layout he practices Solomon like wisdom and splits the little varmint in half

His model railroad budget is underwritten by Loyd’s of London and includes an international credit rating of AAA

His glad-hands don’t just lock together they Dap… (if you don’t get this one go here… )

Whenever he puts a new engine on the track for the first time all of the church bells in his hometown are rung

Every year hundreds of thousands of high-school cheerleaders have to go through reality training because the ones in his generation refused to accept his invitation to the prom and are now old, fat, divorced, soccer mom’s with low self-esteem working minimum wage jobs. (wow that one was dark)…don’t be giving me the stink eye, everyone that was called nerd and laughed at by the pretty girls secretly hopes that is how they turned out.

He is!..

The most interesting man in model railroading.

“I don’t always do hobby stuff but when I do I choose model trains…stay railroady my friends…”

Well, as long as it’s back…here’s my five favorites:

His Napkin Sketch Plans have appeared in architectural digest.

His personality is so magnetic, he cannot use Kadee couplers.

He turned down Warren Buffet’s offer to buy his model railroad…twice. (That one was mine!)

His work trains do actual work.

His MU cables include connections for Champagne.

…and one particularly appropriate honorable mention: He never has to edit his Forum posts for grammar or spelling. Ha!

I was aware of Casey Jones in song.

This came over my Flipboard Feed this morning, so I looked to see if John Henry had been mentioned in a thread, then where the most appropriate place was to place it.

This thread of course, is absolutely the wrong place, and even though I’m not familiar with the pop culture reference, it made me snort my coffee.

So go to the top of the thread and see what was written by possibly the most interesting man in model railroading.

…and if you’ve been, mention if the historic site below is worth a visit…

well, i’m not sure. is it el Zorro in a tunnel, or Batman in another tunnel?
the pic leaves me in the dark.

anyhow, for me the most interesting man:

for a little fee, he aproves each and every building of mine.

if i should refer to a hu-man, i woun’t. everybody else would be offended.

Getting back to the thread…

  • Whatever side of the tracks he’s currently living on is the right side, even if he moves to the other side of the tracks he’ll still be on the right side.

He is!..

The most interesting man in model railroading.

“I don’t always do hobby stuff but when I do I choose model trains…stay railroady my friends…”

He knows Boomer’s real name.
His intials are LGB
Ozzy wrote “Crazy Train” after a circuit on his ride on.

Spoiler Alert


He is!.. The most interesting man in model railroading.

“I don’t always stumble across a meme that’s missing a photo, but when I do… ” :grin:

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Smaller Gord-n-Fred_1983

For further inspiration… Just to keep things on track…

:laughing: :exploding_head: :grin:

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