Large Scale Central

The Mid-Arkansas Garden Railroad Club (Mid-Ark GRC)


I am proud to announce the newest garden railroad club in Arkansas.

The Mid-Arkansas Garden Railroad Club. (Mid-Ark GRC)

The club was formed February 1, 2007, and the first meeting was held on March 3, 2007.

This new club is small in numbers right now, but we are excited about getting information out and promoting the hobby of garden and miniature railroading to the Central Arkansas area and all across the Natural State. We will be meeting on a monthly basis at different members homes, and have meetings setup currently through July 2007.

Our first meeting had a total of nine people present, three (Michael Tollett, Jerry McColgan, and Kevin B.) being the charter members of the Mid-Ark GRC.

We will be having a membership drive for the remainder of 2007, in hopes that we will get in contact with model railroaders across Arkansas who might have an interest in large scale railroading, and will be working closely with different groups in the area to help promote the hobby and enjoy the fun involved.

If anyone knows someone in the Central Arkansas area or anywhere in Arkansas that might be interested in our new group, please have them email our President (Conductor) Michael Tollett at [email protected].

This is an exciting time for us here, and we look forward to all future endeavors, AND learning as we grow from other established clubs on this forum, in our state and region.

Michael Tollett
Mid-Arkansas Garden Railroad Club
[email protected]

Let the fun begin!!