Our club will have its module running at the Great Stroudsburg Train Show Nov 20th 9am to 2pm at the Stroudsburg intermediate School on chipperfield Dr.
Double post
I attended the show with my club for a few hours Sunday. The show was small but had some good stuff and deals. Not a lot in the way of G scale. Our club had the modular up. There was a small N scale layout, an HO layout and a O guage set up on tables. There were about a handfull of dealers mostley HO and old lionel/tinplate stuff. A few G scale items as well. One dealer had a bunch of used LGB 4ft track plus sectional track all at a very low price. Wish I had brought more the $20 with me. I ended up buying 4 4ft sections of track at $5 a section. He had about 20 or so 4 ft sections. Here are a few pictures of our modular. We still have some scenary and detailing to do on the modular but here it is so far.
What, No pictures of the show itself???
By small you mean 20 tables, 50 tables, or maybe 100 tables.
And i like the legs you guys use for the modules…neato
Nick I would say less then 20 dealers. Very small. The show was in a school gym (size of a basketball court) half was dealers the other half was train layouts. I was too busy chassing my little ones around to get pictures of everything else. I was lucky I got our modular LOL.