Large Scale Central

The CAMB Beer & BBQ

CAMB is the initials of my 4 son in laws, Chad Augie Marco and Brian, who along with me Love beeeer and BBQ, so a building was in the planning stages, along with buildings and businesses for all the grandkids, and my moms house, so I figured this would be a good time to jump in with both feet. After doing the required napkin/paper towel drawing I am seeing a big res between this and a Cracker Barrel, but oh well. Do not know what happened to the picture but looks all squished. if this doesn’t work right I will re post when I get home.

Edit to state this is my first challenge. And to reflect the proper name.

Jeez Pete so much for easing into this scratch built thing. I love it. But you are right there is a serious Cracker Barrel feel to it.

Good looking building Pete. Can never go wrong with anything that includes beer and BBQ.

That is pretty cool, and two of my favorite subjects also.


What the heck, go big and that way the failure is spectacular, Devon. I think I have the parts and stuff to attempt this, … I might morph into a false front if the stone blocks will not be enough for the plans, which are way preliminary.

Well back in the day a great many buildings had false fronts and wood structures. If your modeling late 1800’s early 1900’s I would say that would be more appropriate

I was thinking of/ meant a building front against a wall on the layout, since the layout is not built and not sure where it will be placed on the not built layout, and looking for a way out if I run into time constraints, but a full size side is pretty much needed to show off the huge Taylor Tin and Stoneworks Challenge blocks fireplace on the napkin drawing.

edited to finish the thought line

oh lol, well that works also and is a great idea

Ran like a kid to the mailbox when I saw the truck drive by, and my pile o blocks has arrived, Thanks Dave!!! now to start the actual planning and measuring to see how and where things will fit.