Large Scale Central

The 5-minute Flange Card

I was putting down some ballast today and thought to myself, “You know, the real railroads didn’t use a paint brush to spread this stuff out. There’s got to be a better way.” Yes, I know, I could have made a scale model of a Jordan Spreader, or one of D&RGW flangers, but all I wanted to do was to easily spread the ballast. I had some scraps of 3MM Sintra (thanks, Jon!) and decided to give that a try. I first cut a piece that was as wide as my ties. Then I notched this to fit across the rails. This worked out well, clearing the new ballast.

But, I noticed that I couldn’t get in between the rails on my switches. So, I cut a notch on the other side to clear the rail and guard rail.

This can also be held at an angle for when the rails are closer. Finally, the 3mm Sintra is just a bit too thick to fit between the flangeways. I cut a piece of 3/32" brass rod and used CA glue to hold it in place. Now I have a nice strong piece to help get the little ballast pieces out.

My latest version has a small piece of Sintra glued over the 3/32" brass - one on each side of the flange card - this should hold it very securely. I cut a notch in the middle to help clear the screws that I use to anchor my track. The final result looks something like this.

It seems pretty durable, but even if not, it only takes about 5 minutes to make a new one.

“It seems pretty durable, but even if not, it only takes about 5 minutes to make a new one.”

That is if you traced a pattern on a piece of paper, before you break or misplace it. Otherwise, you’ll be re-measuring and trying to remember what all the notches were for. Well maybe you won’t, but I sure would. :wink: Nice idea.

Idea noted for future use.

Ric Golding said:
"It seems pretty durable, but even if not, it only takes about 5 minutes to make a new one."

That is if you traced a pattern on a piece of paper, before you break or misplace it. Otherwise, you’ll be re-measuring and trying to remember what all the notches were for. Well maybe you won’t, but I sure would. :wink: Nice idea.

Hehehe. Why do you think I make these posts? I do it for the next time I have to make something. :wink:

Bruce Chandler said:
Ric Golding said:
"It seems pretty durable, but even if not, it only takes about 5 minutes to make a new one."

That is if you traced a pattern on a piece of paper, before you break or misplace it. Otherwise, you’ll be re-measuring and trying to remember what all the notches were for. Well maybe you won’t, but I sure would. :wink: Nice idea.

Hehehe. Why do you think I make these posts? I do it for the next time I have to make something. :wink:

And here we thought it was because you love us. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ha, Cool, and what will you think of next?..:wink:
