Day 2 was back at Fred’s place on Friday morning.
The crew begins to assemble.
Colin delivers the safety briefing. (It must have worked, no locomotives were harmed.)
I HAVE to go visit the building I made for the IPP&W. Fred has hooked it up to a water supply and it looks pretty neat. Plus, no leaks!
Jean and I are taking out Train #302 which goes from Ralph to Nelson Yard.
Bill is the yardmaster in Ralph and makes up our train. (Friday is “standard” gauge operations, but I decide to use my NG switcher. After all, it is really modeled after a 25 Ton SG locomotive.)
One of our stops is at Peter’s Pond, and it’s quite crowded, but we keep the main clear.
We back up the spur with the tank car to drop. But, first we must open the gate.
The tank car is delivered to the Sludeworks.
As we try to get the cars back in their original places we meet an opposing train coming through Peter’s Pond.
Once it has passed, we can put our train back together and proceed to our next stop.