Large Scale Central

The 2014 Invasion of Ottawa, Day 2

Day 2 was back at Fred’s place on Friday morning.

The crew begins to assemble.

Colin delivers the safety briefing. (It must have worked, no locomotives were harmed.)

I HAVE to go visit the building I made for the IPP&W. Fred has hooked it up to a water supply and it looks pretty neat. Plus, no leaks!

Jean and I are taking out Train #302 which goes from Ralph to Nelson Yard.

Bill is the yardmaster in Ralph and makes up our train. (Friday is “standard” gauge operations, but I decide to use my NG switcher. After all, it is really modeled after a 25 Ton SG locomotive.)

One of our stops is at Peter’s Pond, and it’s quite crowded, but we keep the main clear.

We back up the spur with the tank car to drop. But, first we must open the gate.

The tank car is delivered to the Sludeworks.

As we try to get the cars back in their original places we meet an opposing train coming through Peter’s Pond.

Once it has passed, we can put our train back together and proceed to our next stop.

Our next train is #312 and goes from Nelson Yard to Craig Leigh - Douglas Yard.


Leaving Nelson Yard, our first job is to switch the Block House.


There’s also work in Spruce, but at least there’s an umbrella to help keep things cool.


Two of the sidings in Spruce require some work to get to…


But at least there’s a passing track that allows for easy run around.


While Jean takes a break, Bob and I team up to take a train. We use his locomotive; it looks nicely weathered here as we prepare to leave Glen Hammond.


Meanwhile, Jane acts as a dispatcher for the railroad.


Bob runs after the train, with Bell in the background.


When the runs are done, it’s just a great time to sit around and socialize. Here, Fred talks to Jane and Jan while Andy and Ric come up between Cedarrock and Spruce.


Here is was a pic of most of the attendees on Day 2.

Day 2 attendees 2014


Sean, it would take SOME time to add the names.

Some of the people I don’t even know.

Maybe Bruce or Ken or Bob knows them all.

Click on the pic for a link to the actual pic without names

Don Howard said:

Here is was a pic of most of the attendees on Day 2.

Day 2 attendees 2014

We wish we went!
And Tank doesn’t look like that any more he lost some weight !
I do see Bob (no Hat Ha!)to the left of red shirt with hat, and Bruce, blue shirt , hat sitting behind bridge, Ken second (left to right) standing …lets see Ric down the other end to the right of red shirt with hat, Andy to his right in dark hat.
That’s all I recognise .

I know we have some people that know…

Don Howard said:

Sean, it would take SOME time to add the names.

Some of the people I don’t even know.

Maybe Bruce or Ken or Bob knows them all.

Click on the pic for a link to the actual pic without names

I’d make an attempt, but it seems the picture has changed to this:

Actually, that makes it easy…it’s Sean. :wink:

Good one Bruce!

Thanks, Bruce.

Actually if you click on the pic in the original post, as Sean seems to have done, you’ll find the group pic.

It will most likely be part of an album to be created after this coming Saturday.

Wife’s got a Garden Tour coming from 09:00 to …

I’m actually busy trying to get my RR in shape to at least run both the cog section, and the lower roundy round. HHH here is making me come inside to cool off.

Fred, too, would know most of the names!

Well, here it is again. Hopefully it won’t turn into Sean’s avatar again.

I don’t recall all of the names right now, but I’ll edit and fill it in as I get reminded. Apologies for misspellings and mis-identification, or lack thereof.

Standing - Left to Right

Tom Wright , Ken Brunt , Colin Churcher , Paul Anderson , Roger Caiazza, Paul Norton , Stuart Moxley , Dianne Mann , Jean Chandler , Joe Herb , Kathleen Herb , Trevor Tattersal , Bob McCown , Bill Seabrooke, Jan Golding , Ric Golding , John Le Forestier , Doug Matheson , Andy Clarke


Ed Mann , Fred Mills , Bruce Chandler , Gord Bellamy , Jane Clarke, Don Howard

Well, crud.

OK, right click on the picture above and you can see ALL of the people.

Or, you can just look at this one:

Nice turn out!

There were other people that came on Saturday…the names were a bit mixed up, but close…the one on the far Left is Tom Wright. Lawrence Watkins is not in the picture… Paul Anderson is fourth from the left, Standing. “Almost Hidden” is Kathleen Herb.

Thanks, Fred. Corrections made…

And you have Doug Matheson twice.

Behind Katleen Herb, is Joe Herb

Getting closer…

Between Jean Chandler and Jan Golding, is Trevor Tattersal

Hooray! All done, and not at all painful. Thanks to all.

Thanks all.

There was no way I knew all of the folks there!

On Friday, I got to work with Bill in Ralph as the Assistant Yardmaster. I have worked both Craig Leigh and Nelson Yards, but this was a first for this end of the railroad. It gives a different perspective. Always great to put the trains together and then break them down as they come in.

In the afternoon, Joe and I ran both the legs of the ore trains. On the first leg running from Nelson Yard to Craig Leigh, picking up 3 different “kernels” of 5 loaded coal cars, so the train climbing the hill from Mount St. Helen to Craig Leigh is 15 loads. A good pull. The return trip was setting out the 3 “Kernels” of 5 empties at the locations where you got the loads. All together, about 2 and half hours of work on the line.