Bob, testing as Noel…
OK, I attached as Noel, and uploaded a picture. I think I solved the issue by updating the album storage limit from 25 meg to 100.
On Noel’s test entry, I get a picture of a paperclip, then it says Apple-touch-icon.png(24.44 Kb)…
Whenever I click on the ““Apple-touch-icon””, it want me to save the image, I never see the image…
Is it supposed to work that way???
Yea, thats the way attachments work. I just uploaded the apple icon for the site to test things…
Tks Bob for trying… Guess you just need to get into my computer and see what the heck is not set right. lol.
Now can’t upload anything to frt. shed. lol.
Did that get full all of a sudden?
Some errors have occoured:
You do not have sufficient disk space to upload SN855828.JPG
Now we can add photos to Alburns that Is working now, but now we not able to upload to frt. shed?
Our Frt. shed is showing this…Usage: 54.65 MB / 10 MB (547%)