Large Scale Central

Sutro Tunnel Model

Well inspect my butt for flying monkeys!

That’s about all I can say currently because I’m immature and under experienced and have NO CLUE what to say otherwise!

So I say this


So… since I’m headed to the EBT this weekend I was thinking your next project could be how they were working on tunneling towards the EBT RR.

Bump for post count !

Thanks for those, Rooster. The EBT, especially with its current revival, strikes me as the perfect opportunity to get into volunteer RR work. Maybe even more than the Nevada Northern which already has a very established volunteer base. One could get in on the ground floor at EBT, comparatively speaking.

You should consider writing an article about this build for the Gazette, seems pretty likely that Bob would want to publish it, just a thought.

Thanks for the thought Rick, I may do that.

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Off topic, but Linda and I were at the NV St RR Museum today, and I caught them hauling out the Glenbrook to get her steamed up for an evening event.

I’m finally relaxing now, after finishing the 5th talk this trip. Trying to ignore all the new project ideas…


Thanks Cliff;

That is the first time I have seen one of those knuckle/link-n-pin conversion couplers in actual use.

Best, David Meashey

P.S. Imagine how much “fun” they would be to work with in large scale, not to mention HO!

Yeah, ya got me Bob!


If any of you who have posted here would like a PDF of the Sutro model presentation I gave to the Dayton and Carson folks, please pm me in the next week or two and I’ll send you a Dropbox link.

Congrats on getting that finished and installed. It’s a truly magnificent, professional quality display! I hope I will get to see it in person someday.

Thanks so much Ray, that means a lot.

A little bit of follow-up. The skirt was installed last week, and I think the area between the legs were enclosed to keep rodents from gnawing at the wiring. No pics yet on those.

Main thing during the week was the Sutro folks hosting their first school trip, and I was told the kids really liked it – especially pressing buttons and making things light up.



This just in from the director of the Sutro operation, Chris Pattison, referring to the same event. He said that this was a big group of kindergarten kids, and that they loved it.

It had never crossed my mind that kids this young (read: eyeballs that close to the floor) would be interested in and near to the model!

So I think we’re about to be scrambling to find a lightweight portable set of platform blocks so the kids can step up and see things better. Fortunately there are cabinetry folks out there who can knock out something quickly.


Glad the display is such a hit with the younger set

Told you already I tested and approved it !

Here’s a new pic of the skirt, made by Pam (who used to be a professional drape maker), here making final adjustments.

Not seeing this pic…

Thanks Hollywood, here it is:

Nice looking skirt (around the table guys)
I admit that when you gave us the tour and talked about the skirt I for one honestly pictured it actually being hung underneath and set in about a foot, which to me would be more aesthetically inviting for it’s duel purpose of covering the underneath while inviting ALL to feel able to get close to the panels. JMHO YMMV :sunglasses:

Technically you shouldn’t call it a skirt considering where it is. You should call it a Portiere and I think it’s entirely to plain myself. That “skirt” is screaming for scallops with gold fringes at the bottom!

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