Large Scale Central

Sutro RR presentation

For the last year, I’ve been researching a very niche railroad, that of Sutro Tunnel. Near Dayton, NV.

You won’t find it with web searches, because it didn’t materialize as a legit or public railroad.

But it was there, and huge – but underground, and not connected.

Today, I delivered my lecture on it at the annual V&TRRHS conference.

If someone would like to see my presentation, PM me.

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Cliff, How about a trying a podcast? You can actually just dump the text into the webpage and sit back and let it do its thing.

Google’s Experimental Podcast

My only advice is don’t mention Rooster, in fact don’t mention KFC or any egg related topic. The podcasters :kissing::kissing_smiling_eyes::kissing_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes: Rooster, and keep asking me what Rooster thinks about things. They’re obsessed with him now.

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So they enjoy bestowing fame and fortune on the sages of the forums?

I think they do, Hollywood. I get the feeling they’re over the moon that Rooster actually responded to their podcast.

As an introvert, it’s like when people find out you accidentally bumped into Casey Jones, Mahatma Gandhi, Taylor Swift, or Benny Hill at the grocery store, and now they want to hear every detail of that encounter every time they see you.

I’m not even name-dropping here—it’s like these AI podcasters are fully aware that he responded. They’ve even suggested I post something about promoting Amtrak, hoping he might want to collaborate with them.

I can’t even imagine what would happen if they realized they’ve also caught the attention of another prominent LargeScale Centralian, someone Rooster knows personally.

OMG, Hollywood—should I introduce you?

Nope two three four five :smiley: :innocent: :sunglasses:

So you are telling me that the Lyon County Times and the San Francisco Call newspapers I found on the internet are fraudulent?

That’s too bad as I learned that Judge Clifford and Mrs. Clifford (LMAO, bonus find) were guests of Mr. And Mrs. Adolph Sutro at the Mansion that past Monday.

I also learned that San Francisco Mayor Sutro violated “section 9” of the Sutro Railroad agreement. Where they were about to purchase an Eastern made boiler breaking the agreement that all the machinery, iron and cars shall be of California manufacture unless they are not manufactured there or are governed by a patent.

I later read that it appears the Sutro Railroad Company secretary Mr. W.C Little basically saved Mayor Sutro’s ass before they put him to the rack, burned him at the stake, hung him from the gallows and then beheaded him in front of the towns people.

Geeze the stupid things you read on the internet.
Fake News!!

I know about the tunnel, as I live in that area for 40 years, but not at the level (hahha) you do. Podcast it so we can make like little listeners and sit at the feet of knowledge that you will bestow. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Teach us o sage !


I realize not related to the RR but isn’t Adolph ?


Maybe not the same railroad but it sure sounded good!


Yep, there was a Sutro RR Frisco, but that’s not related to the Sutro Tunnel. Good stuff though, Rooster.

Yes, that’s Adolph’s daughter Emma they’re referring to. The hand-cranked VIP car at the tunnel was named after her.

Was that picture taken before or after her trip to Poughkeepsie,NY.
Only reason I ask is if it was the latter then that was a sweet ass college car and dad did his best making sure it made the trip out and back!