Large Scale Central

Submarine Transport for the Triple O

They do make drill stands for 1/4 inch drills also but your

was my main thought. :sunglasses:

Adjustable Bench Clamp Drill Press Stand Workbench Repair Tool for Drilling Base

That’s cool! Unfortunately “Can not ship to Puerto Rico/Alaska/Hawaii.” Price of paradise! Thanks for letting me know something like this is out there!


As Boris might say " There are ways Comrade, there are ways"

I’ll see what our local hardware store has, then I’ll add this thing to my souvenir list on my next run to the continent!

Eric, FWIW it looks like there are a number of vendors on Amazon who sell something similar (if not the same thing),

You could ship it to Dr. Rooster and allow him to ship it back however that is an easy out? 

So we follow the progress with fails and finds which is what this hobby is all about!
Loving it !

Why not a regular table top drill press?

Exactly! Part of the joy is the process, and I success and failures on the Triple O, where it matters only in bragging points, has provided lessons and confidence to address issues on the house and car where it matters in dollars!

We’ll keep plugging away. Kid-zilla is game to make a simple flat car. We will use the other bits for proper disconnects later.


P.S. @Rick_Marty I’ll look into a small drill press. We are space limited, however, and I am not sure how long it would last on the lanai! The other options may be better in the short to medium term. Regardless, we are doing enough projects of various sorts that merit some sort of solution, whether the mount for Dremel, a mount for the drill, or a small press.


Kid-zilla and I had a number of chores and projects today, and we squeezed work on this project between PLAYMOBIL repairs, railroad storage area cleaning, pumphouse restoring, and rocket building. We sort of time everything around paint and glue drying, so it worked out well. To actually get somewhere on this project, e abandoned the “disconnects,” and I brought out the foam cutting tools to make temporary bolsters to at least test the concept of a single flat car:

Everytime I bring out the foam cutting tools, I know that much time will be spent turning small, semi-useful bits of foam into smaller decidedly non-useful bits of foam. Here, we see Kid-zilla hard at working crafting the head of a javelin:

The point would later get a coat of aluminum tape, then I helped him mount it to a broom handle he found. While we now have a ranged weapon at our disposal in the event of Vandalic invasion, this did little to advance the current cause!

At long last, I got our would-be velitite to conduct the all-important tunnel test on the project at hand.

Success! Later in the day, I showed him how to use that marvelous little chopper saw, and we cut what will become the bolsters. I let him try the saw today, and he did fine!

At days end, the rig looked like this:

We’ll use our Dremel to shape the bolsters, paint them black, mount the trucks, add our detail parts, and voila! I have, of course, said something similar before, but I think we are close(r) this time. We have decided to leave the fender washers in place because a.) I couldn’t get them off, and b.) they may serve as a mount for a yet-to-be imagined detail, and c.) they serve as a record of our failures leading up to this point. Oh, and fear not, we have an idea for the “disconnects.” The Triple O wastes nothing!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!



Sounds like could be maybe possible that Torpedo racks would fit. :innocent:

I will suggest that to him! I am curious how he will interpret those holes as we move from building to finishing. Speaking of which…

Last Saturday I was by myself for a while so I grabbed the Dremel to shape the bolsters, taking the sub-carrier to and from the tracks…

…until I got a shape I liked and the clearances that we needed.

On Sunday, we attempted the all-important Diesel Dan test, but “he” didn’t want to run. “He” may have a severed wire in “his” innards, so we’ll have to pull him apart later. Meanwhile, Kid-zilla substituted for his little yellow friend and gave the submarine car the 0-5-0 test.

Success! We were going to hook up Mack, but I stepped on this…

…which pretty much ended my enthusiasm for this project for that evening.

Monday, I get a tetanus shot, some antibiotics, and one of these…

…which put me in a better frame of mind to reattack today, Tuesday, since I wasn’t going to try to fence on my punctured foot.

Today, Tuesday, Kid-zilla joined me to start fitting out this lowered flat car. We had Ozark Minaitures U-shaped pockets, brake wheels, and stirrup steps, which Kid-zilla sorted through to determine how best to tie down the load and operate this car.

We used CA glue to hold things in place, then I tapped holes for some HO scale track nails to make all these parts permanet. We dipped those in CA glue, inserted them into the holes, and brought the rig, to include Mack, out to the Triple O for a proper test.

Video: Proper Test of the Submarine Carrier

Poor Mack had to deal with dirty track! We also noted that the sub will start to tilt on the curves, so our tie-downs will have to be tight. Kid-zilla wants to use chains, but I think I may have to insert something elastic into the tie-downs, too.

The car will go back to the paint shop, we’ll cut “U.S. Navy” stickers for the sides, add the brake wheel, and, this time, actually call “Pau!” All other details will then be up to Kid-zilla, who, to be fair, is eager to move on from this project to make a new rocket. As he said again today, though, as we discussed how long we have been at this, “We learned a lot from this!” I’ll take that as a win.

Updates as progress merits, but the end is truly in view!



Quick Update:

The frame got another coat of Navy grey, the trucks are mounted, and the new rig passed the 0-5-0 test. I plan to make hold-downs with jewelry chains with small springs on each end to keep them taut over the boat. Kid-zilla approved. He also named his boat, but I’ll save that for later after we cut the letters!

I will be indisposed for a while, so progress will halt. All Triple O projects (as well as planes, rafts, rockets, crafts, etc.) must be done or store-able my mid-November so we can rig the lanai for Thanksgiving and Christmas. This project will be one of the ones in the “done” category. I hope!

Have a Great Week!


Big news! Kid-zilla and I got this beast off the project rack last weekend! I will post a final update tomorrow, but I had to type out what amounts to a sigh of relief!

Closing post to follow in a day or so…


Final Update:

At long last, a project that really tested our imagination, our skills, and our patience rolled out of the shops. The last remaining engineering issue was how to hold the boat, commissioned as USS Grouper, to its carrier to ensure stability as the car negotiated curves. Grouper has to be able to come off its carrier for missions, so the answer could not be overly complicated.

I had bought some small springs, and Kid-zilla raided our rocket parts for fishing swivels.

We then cut jewelry chains to serve as the hold-downs. The whole fit snugly about USS Grouper.

Our 1:24 buddy helped to size the brake stand, and he did an admirable job, as shown below.

Brake, stand, and lock, have since gotten a cover of flat black paint.

The last step, of course, was the all-important Diesel Dan Test.

Video: The All-Important Diesel Dan Test

We have some vinyl to cut: “U.S. Navy” for both sides of the carrier; “Bow” and “Prop” for the platforms, as the submarine must be oriented a certain way on the carrier; and “USS Grouper” for the port and starboard side of the submarine. The files are done, but Halloween costume making has taken precedence this week. Once those are on, any other details or modifications are up to Kid-zilla, but I suspect that most will remain details only he sees as his creation cuts ovals around the Triple O.

Other than that, “Pau (Finished!).” This project has been fun and frustrating, and it placed many, many other projects on the backburner as we planned, built, failed, fixed, iterated, replanned, rebuilt, refailed, refixed, and reiterated. Each partial solution only seemed to add new complexities, so we had to stop, reassess, and return to something simpler than we envisioned but able to perform the function the customer (Kid-zilla) required.

A fantastical start point - a submarine made from broken fencing swords - led to a real lesson in engineering and provided the Triple O with a unique cargo, new customer (the Navy,) and one of a kind piece of rolling stock. Hopefully, Kid-zilla learned the same lesson and drew the same satisfaction!

Thanks to all for the help and humor along the way! More projects to come, but first the MIK!

Eric & Kid-zilla


Great job you guys!
(From the wobbling in the video, I’d add some weight underneath. Looks a bit top heavy?)


Subsequent tests running behind a pair of STAINZ showed the rig is pretty stable. I think we are OK!


Final(er) Update:

Kid-zilla and I finally got around to cutting the markings for this project. After I botched the cut, he applied the surviving copy of boat’s name…

Yours truly applied the US NAVY markings (below) as well as letters to mark the bow and stern (above, right), important as USS Grouper only fits in the car one way. You can tell I applied this, as they are neither are centered nor aligned.

He let me off easy after showing me up…

Happy New Years All!
