FWIW, I’ve been using LED tape on a several work-related projects over the last couple years, and plan on using it for my mine building. Here’s an example.
You cut the stuff as needed, and solder the lengths via the solder pads. Approximately 2.5" is the cutting / soldering opportunity. It’s heavily potted with silicon, and seems quite waterproof (from the exterior side). However, it is therefore a small pain to expose the solder pads: you have to cut away the silicone. No huge pain though.
For securing it, don’t rely on the adhesive backing. It isn’t reliable in the long run. I use 3M VHB tape to secure the stuff, which is very tenacious.
Bottom line, I think it’s very usable and a great deal. I haven’t seen specs on current draw per foot, but if someone cares I’ll measure a sample.