Large Scale Central

Straight track

The Spiker from Switch Crafters sure works very nicely i.e. a lot fewer bent spikes even in tough ties. In order to get things straight for the station trackage - that’s what they usually do on the proto - I machined two .250" pieces of plexi to exactly 45mm width (8" long). Drilled two holes just large enough for finishing nails on the centre line about .250" from either end. Align and secure one plexi gauge in the middle of the straight run. Starting at an adjacent turnout align the second plexi gauge to the center of the far tie; secure with the finishing nail, press the rails against the tie and spike the outside of the rails. Repeat every five or six ties while advancing the gauge. When reaching the first gauge start filling in all the outside spike and work back towards the turnout, while placing the single spike on the inside of the rails. Six spikes per tie, nice and straight, also quick enough for my taste. :wink: :slight_smile: The one about the 1000 words

Good Post, Hans! Tks.