Okay. So summer is over. I am done fishing for awhile. (Although I am in the process of making a couple of new fishing rods, a new 9’ 3/4wt fly rod and a 7’ 3 piece ultra light rod). Time to get back to model railroading again. I have the hobby room all cleaned and organized. I have so many unfinished projects I had a hard time choosing which one to throw on the bench. I have also started a new project but that is a secret and won’t be revealed until probably after the first of the year as it is a Christmas present.
But, anyway, as I was cleaning the project that was in the way the most, and thus grabbed the most interest and attention, was the Geep. So it got thrown back on the bench. Where it sits is that it needs all the louvers and door hinges replaced from my sanding efforts. I have chosen to go the route of using quarter round styrene for the louvers and half round for the hinges. I already have all that so its just a matter of sitting down and getting it done. I need to get some bolt and washer details for all the roof lids and some light wire fishhooks for lifting eyes. Once I do these details it will be ready for paint. I finally acquired all the paint I should need to mix the colors up to match the STMA.
I can’t remember, and am to lazy to look back), but I acquired one of the late Steve Featherkyle’s GP 7/9s to make a matching pair. I am not going to begin this one until the other is finished but I bring it up because I have decided on how to pair them. I know I have had discussion on how exactly one should pair them. After ruminating on it and discussing it with my local electronics guru Mike Williams I am going to make them a mated pair where one has the electronics and the other has the battery. Both will have power to the trucks and run off a single receiver and a single set of batteries. Since I am not a diesel guy and this is a purpose built locomotive to represent accurate operation of the STMA there is no need to separate them since they almost always run them in tandem long hood to long hood. So for my purposes keeping them coupled and tired all the time will be the best option. I will just build a long carrier that holds them both. I will be able to disconnect them easy enough if I need to but I really just don’t see in my operating them where I need to separate stand alone locomotives. By doing it this way (keeping both powered) they could easily be separated and electronics put in the one and batteries in the other should I ever decide to get rid of them. So this first one will get the electronics and then I can run a battery car until I build the second loco.
Thats where we sit. I will start posting progress shortly.