Large Scale Central

Steam up at the Finger Lakes Live Steam club

Guys…the Finger Lakes live Steamers have their Fall meet on September 22nd, 23rd, and 24th…

They are a class act and a great bunch of people.

Geez, this is certainly popular weekend.

The Finger Lake Guys, Marty’s event and Larry Herget with a steam up are all going on at the same time. Its feast or famine. Some weeks quiet and other weekends just too many opportunities.

And that’s also the weekend of the Connecticut Antique Machinery Associations annual Fall Festival where Hawaii RR Co. #5 (a 1925 Baldwin 2-4-2 3Ft gauge oil burner) will operate.

That’s where I’ll be. If you are in the neighborhood, stop by. [End of blatant promotional thread hijack] JR

Cute lil bugger. Looks like it came right out of a Bachmann box…:smiley:


Warren Mumpower said:
Cute lil bugger. Looks like it came right out of a Bachmann box....:D


Yup. The early Bachman 2-4-2 is almost identical. I’ve been looking for one for years, with no luck.