Large Scale Central

Stainless steel track availability

Recently, I decided to add some trackage to my railroad. My track is based on Aristocraft stainless steel rail and was commenced around eight years ago.

I took a look around at the usual places to see what trackage was available online. It seems that stainless rail is now as rare as the proverbial rocking horse excretion. Of cause brass rail is available in limited quantities, but I have no intention of travelling that direction unless forced due circumstances.

I decided that as rail was not available then my only recourse was a partial redesign of my existing track to see what could be utilised in a different fashion. I was able to free up several switches and straight rail. Fortunately, I had some curved rail unused from my initial purchase many years ago. I have found that it is possible to straighten out curved rail and modify the sleeper base to suit. It also seems that the basic sleeper base is very limited quantities.

I remember when a time existed when a model railroad manufacturer actually produced something as basic as rail. Do manufacturers actually think that rail is no longer required on today’s railroads? No wonder some manufacturers are in their current financial crisis. I looked at one distributor’s website and basically all that is available is a box of four-foot diameter stainless curved rail and a couple of crossings. Even brass rail supplies are hardly any better!

Maybe I am looking in the wrong places or has the hobby descended to the point that track is no longer available. I can of cause buy the Hungarian made item in brass from the German company but their track geometry (curves/switches) are different to my needs. Maybe time for a new hobby!!!

Tim - I don’t have an answer, just a comment. I guess that full box of 5Ft. SS Straights I have in my attic has doubled in value again! And no, it’s not for sale.

What about the AML SS code 332? I thought it was in stock.

Aristo has some SS in stock but you did not mention if you wanted flex, or sectional or what curves you were looking for.

(I just found 5 boxes of 5’ SS Aristo in the garage, guess I can sell it on the black market)


Train-li has the nickel plated rail. I have some on my layout. With no problems yet.


There is a dealer in Florida that produces, and sells Stainless Steel rail…they advertise in GR…the name may be “H & R Trains”…they were one of the first to sell Stainless Steel rail.

Their prices always seemed high, but I have no idea what they charge now. They are near St.Petersburg, or Clearwater…Pinelous Park, rings a bell…I visited them twice…back in the 80’s…


many thanks for your help.

I used the H&R Trains (the place in Florida). Expensive, very high quality, slightly different profile than Aristo.

Tim, you did not say if cost was an issue.
