Wondering if Shane wants to buy a bridge ?
I was going to post a picture of my opening today, but ended up dragging out ballast and…
Sorry, I believe this is a good example of “Preaching to the Choir”.
Tried again without the 4 1:24 scale cars on the back end and made it all the way to the wall at Indian Hill where the track is completely overgrown with weeds. Finshed my Hony Due list today, so when I’m not busy relaxing I can start getting the weeds cleared.
I think I need to re-program the throttle on the C-19 and it will do better. I have it set so full stick travel is as fast as I ever want the light engine to go on level track, but this really limits the voltage I can give her on the grade. Easy to change, just need the mojo to do it.
Fans managed to rent the New Orleans St. Charles St. streetcar for a fan trip. Here they stop at Brunt Junction for a photo op and snacks.
Hard to decide. Hollywood’s Eyetalian Hotdogs is right next door. BC’s Ice Cream Palace and Golding’s Pretzel Hut are just a short walk down the track.
It was a beautiful day for a fan trip.
Rooster said:
Andy Clarke said:
Ken, your railroad is maturing beautifully… (http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif)
Unlike you !
Now, that was just mean! We all are maturing, actually just getting older. Not growing up, just getting older.
Today the Candlewood Valley called a MOW Train with the brush clearing crew to try and reclaim the main. Crawling speed was the order of the day from Coal Dump Curve through the wye and back. All track passed this operational test. Some areas needing work were identified and a lots of debris and overgrowth was removed from the ROW. In this shot, the low side dump gondola is collecting debris while the high sided gon is collecting recyclable plantings…
The high side gon is mostly filled with Sedum cuttings. A neighbor donated a few sprigs of this stuff when the railroad was first being built nearly 20 years ago now. It grows like crazy with good sun and water, but will stay alive in shady spots as well, just not as thick. All you need to do is plant the cuttings and they will root and spread…
More maintenance is needed before operations can resume, but I am close (again).
Oh yea. I spend a lot of time clearing that stuff off the ROW. I gave up cutting it back and just pull it up by the roots.
Back in March, I re-leveled the diamond crossing at Walk Landing Trans-load. In this picture taken then, it doesn’t look too bad…
Fast forward 3 months, one of which was very wet plus lots of tree work in June that left behind a ton of sawdust, pine needles, small branches and enough weeds to hide everything. I thought I took a before picture, but it didn’t get saved, so you just need to trust me that this morning this area really looked like crap. Track was all passable, but not pretty. Kind of like the areas at the left of the picture with a ton of weeds. I spent a good part of my day on the ground weeding the moss and resurfacing the road…
I wet everything down when I was done, and floated away a bunch of the small debris before this shot was taken. I like the wet colors better (https://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif)
I spent nearly all weekend weeding and cleaning the railroad. The weeds had really gone nuts. I got it cleaned up enough to run a few trains. All track is in-service except one track inside the engine house that is still buried in debris.
Well it’s hardly Spring anymore but I took a train of small cars out for a little fresh air today.
Spent a couple hours first, blowing all the Madrone leaves off the railroad, will spend several hours tomorrow getting them off the ground.
The Madrone is a beautiful tree https://extension.oregonstate.edu/news/native-madrones-are-special-northwest but can be a pain in the butt this time of year.
They are an evergreen but each year after the first week or two of hot weather they drop all of last years leaves within a couple week period.
On the bright side the dropped leaves are very dry and brittle and easy to crunch up with a lawn mower.
Well crap, I ment to post a couple pictures not rant about Madrone leaves(https://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-embarassed.gif)
Three small cars all from different sources and freshly relettered, thanks Stan, they make a great woods train behind Heisler #102.
The Bobber caboose is a kit from Don Winter (no longer available) that I have had for 20 years(?) and just now built.
The block car comes from the POC and has been rebuilt to suite the South Fork company.
The water tank car came from the A & H box company and again was rebuilt to suite the S F Timber Co.
Makes a great little backwoods train to wobble along behind the slow moving Heisler.
Rick Marty said:
Well it’s hardly Spring anymore but I took a train of small cars out for a little fresh air today.
Yeah, well. Some of us take more than one season to wake up!
Your short car train looks great!