Spring is finally here… Charlie Brown sent the crew out to clear the line of fallen trees…
Now the trains can run…
Spring is finally here… Charlie Brown sent the crew out to clear the line of fallen trees…
Now the trains can run…
Great photos and video, Sean. Give Charlie Brown an attaboy for making sure his crew has all the proper safety equipment.
Spring was here too, for a bit. then it left…(https://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif)
Showing signs here too…but more snow is in the forecast…it is still March, after all !!
Fred mills
Actually, Ken…a storm front just left your area, and is heading almost straight for Ottawa…
Its time for the ECLSTS. So it must be Spring.
Obviously not county workers, or they would all be standing around drinking coffee while the FNG does all the work.(https://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-laughing.gif)(https://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-laughing.gif)
Hi, Sean McGillicud. Really beautiful are looking. And 3 men are awesome.