Large Scale Central

Southern Pacific GE 50 Ton „Little Giant“

Hello It has been a month ago since I wrote about my SP No. 1. In the meantime I added more details and went to the paintshop. The results can be seen on the photos.





First inspection and tests of the crew. The next steps will be; add cab interior and more details and add lettering. Thanks Matthew who is also building a GE 50 ton, I do have photos of the interior now. Regards Eric

Definately a nice build!

Really nice!

yeah, what Bob & Bart said… :slight_smile:

Nice work. Paint job looks great

Hello again I added a cab interior made from styrene sheets. As I could not find any photos of the cab interior of Southern Pacific No. 1, I used photos of similar General Electric narrow gauge locomotives. I did use custom made dry transfers from Blackham transfers from Engeland.




Last week I did exhibited my locomotive with my SP freight train at the American Railroadfan Convention in Adliswil, Switzerland and won a convention award with my models. Photos of the convention can be found here; Regards Eric

Very cool. I wish Bmann made this instead of the centercab, even I’d want one.

Very Impressive!!! Nicely Done!